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Green tea - where to get good quality online?


Since coming back from China I've drank a lot of green tea, in fact probably more tea than Coffee which was not the case before i left.

I asked Ling and she recommended Liton ?? and ?? which I'm going to look for in the main Asian Supermarket in Dublin but reckon my chances on-line are higher.
If any of you have brand or on-line seller recommendations would love to hear them


Robin Tsao:
Hey Ronan
litton is too westernize, i don't like it, try Asian taste, they sell them anywhere in Chinese super market, I don't know where to get it online, also try jasmine and green tea mix, that's really good.

Thanks Robin, I'll keep my eye out for that brand next time I'm there.

Ronan, there is an online-shop . I have just bought some tea in a local store in Germany. I can't say much about there quality and wich brands they have. I just bought China Gunpowder because I knew it. And I bought some Yunnan Springharvest, their own seasonal. But haven't tried it yet. Just arrived home from Germany. But check the webside

Thanks Hajo, I like the sound of Gunpowder tea!


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