General Discussion and Useful Links > The Campfire


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Josh Markley:
LMFAO!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I knew there was a reason we had this joke section...I forgot about the one at FB that Vince took ownership of.  hahaha

Paul Todd:
'iya guy's as a scouser ay thouht yous might enjoy this. thuz is also an Irish,Scotish and cockney translata tew !

So If You Have  Barney Rubble  with the  Twist n twirl China Plate. Rabbit and Pork about it and  Orange Peel pearly gate..

One thought this might be of assistance in helping us understand one an uhthah bettah. whoh said mandaaarin was difficult Jolly good show old bean!Absolutely top hole - I have to say.

Ed W:
This isnt a joke but it was pretty funny when it happend.

So I had to go downtown and get my affidavit of single status certified by the secretary of state this morning. While coming back I thought i'd stop at Macy's and see about getting a rolling garment bag for my suit. The sale lady was this cute young thing, maybe early 20's i suppose. She's got a nice personality and we're talking about everything under the sun including the bag and while she was showing me this one, she used an example about buying a larger bag so her and her boyfriend, not that she has one, but if she did it would serve them both. So when she says this, a lady who's maybe 10ft behind her raises her head and looks me dead in the face with this shit eaten grin and I almost broke out laughing. It must have sounded like a pickup line or something but I almost couldnt resist laughing.

anyway. not sure how funny this is to everyone but it was pretty damn funny at the time.

Im still waiting for a profile of a woman that knows how to catch bate, with a photo of her sitting in a new bass boat, with a 12 pack of beer on  the bow  :lol: . Gee, I wonder if they have a visa for the bass boat....


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