Author Topic: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story  (Read 28098 times)

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Offline David E

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2010, 01:58:35 pm »
Thanks Buzz

Those words completely summarise why we go through all sorts of Hell to find our beloved from China...................that attitude and point of view is worth gold, and so in tune with what a relationship should be.

All the best


Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2010, 01:41:26 pm »
I must be mushy because I just broke up, but XiuRu's response prompted a tear in me, really beautiful.

Congratulations to both of you for finding each other, and thanks for the reading, the story about your long underwear is wonderful, it seems like you've found a lovely family together with your love.

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2010, 12:57:51 am »
Wonderful word's Buzz from your XiuRu . Now this got to inspire you to write her a Poem . Get that Pencil moving . haha
Thanks for sharing , I alway's appreciate romatic ... whatever/however and no matter from whom .

Offline jeffm

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2010, 12:45:00 am »
Her response that was underlined gave me a revelation so to speak.  I always thought my children were my most precious  possession, but I don't think that is the case after reading that.  I never realized it, but I think it is true.  

DavidE's right about what we go through of our search in China.  

Buzz also a great read of your story.  Really happy for the both of you.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2010, 03:53:29 am »
Not the time for me to say anything on this thread other than you have one hell of a lady waiting for you Buzz.

Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2010, 06:44:53 am »
i do believe it is said: the greatest gift a man can get is the love from a womans heart

Offline Buzz

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2010, 02:02:14 pm »
Ok, next chapter in the simple love story.  

I just got off the phone with my lawyer.  The I-129F visa application has been approved.  I sent the application on February 1, and it was approved on April 30 of this year.  It will now be sent to NYC for processing in preparation to send to the Embassy in China.  It cannot stay in NYC any longer than 4 weeks.  From there we will wait on the Embassy to give XiuRu and I a time for the interview.  My lawyer also said that some additional papers and information are needed for the next step.  I have a meeting with him before I go to China at the end of May.  I will have XiuRu sign the paper work and will bring back what information is needed for the next step.  This I know will save at least a month waiting on information to and from China.  I will post what additional paperwork is needed when I know.  I am so happy that we decided to do the Finance Visa, as it seems to be working well for XiuRu and myself.  We have talked in the past about the cost of a lawyer vs. the cost savings by doing the process yourself.  For me, having the lawyer seems to have cut at least one trip to china; that cost alone is well worth the price he charges.  I also know that my wife will be here much quicker with his help and expertise.  So with this great news coming on Friday, there is nothing left to do but enjoy the truly wonderful weekend.  Will have a video call with XiuRu in about 6 hours, cannot wait to see the look on her face.  I wish all who are in the waiting process; good news soon.  Buzz

Offline Rhonald

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2010, 02:22:19 pm »
Good to hear the news Buzz. Yes the visa proccess can be emotionaly draining. I wish the two of you continued success.:sleepy:
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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2010, 08:15:40 pm »
great news Buzz getting steps closer to getting her there

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2010, 08:32:59 pm »
Really happy to hear that Buzz... keep us up to date!
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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2010, 10:35:46 am »
Congrats Buzz...Great news..:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2010, 01:21:03 pm »
so what was her reaction??? im sure it was good  and she is excited

Offline Buzz

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2010, 02:24:57 am »
A simple update:

Our first EMF was June 13, 2009.   We met for the first time November 20, 2009.  I filed the forms for the K-1 visa on February 1 of 2010.  My second trip was in May of 2010.  The interview was August 19, 2010.  We will have the visa in 4 working days from today.  So in 14 months we went from our first EMF to getting the K-1 visa. 

The person doing my wife's interview was a lady.  Her first question was, how did we meet?  The lady was looking at the Affidavit that I had given to them about how we met and our time together.  The second question was how do we communicate?  The next question was if I spoke Chinese.  Then my wife, said she told the lady that she was fond of children, and named off the names of her four grandsons and the new granddaughter.  She said the lady smiled, said thank you, and the visa will be ready in 4 business days.  Xiuru said the visa process was very simple, just like chatting with an old friend. 

I know many people do the process by themselves.  After having done this, I am sure that I could have done the job, but I know that it would not have gone as smooth.  I know that this interview went well because all the work the lawyer did prior to the 15 minutes Xiuru was with the embassy staff.  The lady had the complete file.  From the paper work to the Department of Homeland security, the DS 230 and DS 230-1,  to the papers i sent with pictures  of our two visits. 

Xiuru will be coming to the States in January.  She is a retired physician.  As such she has a health clinic in Anshan.  She is now going to try and sell the clinic and if that is not successful, then she will close the place at the end of the year and put 20 people out of work.  We both felt that we need to give the people time to find other work rather than just close the doors.  Also we did not think that we would be this far along with the visa this soon.  The only thing my lawyer told me that was not correct, he said it would take 18 months to get the visa thru the system.  Only 6 and a half months. 

So now we plan the wedding,  children in San Diego, and Colorado.  The kids have voted las vegas.  we will wait and see how it all plays out.   like i said, just a simple love story between two very happy people.   


Paul Todd

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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2010, 04:00:31 am »
Congratulations to both of you. I hope the time passes quickly until you can be together. I love happy stories ;D


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Re: Buzz and XiuRu, a simple love story
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2010, 05:23:28 am »
I am real happy for the both of you.  6-1/2 months is encouraging.