only 3 gurantee children in the furture, i'm hijacking Willy's shipment,:icon_cheesygrin: I have some one to help me with paper work on my side, I know about all the usual stuff the embassy wants to see, I want to know if there's any special document we might need, she coming over to US is not the only way for us to be together, and I'm not moving to China to stay permanately, what I'm thinking is we get marry in China, buy an condo with both our name, she lives there and I can go visit her for a longer period at a time, I think that will prove that we have a bonifide relationship, after she get a visa, she can come over here and stay with me for a period of time and when she's home sick she can go back to China, we'll just go back and forth, how's that for Big Daddy certificate.