Well Arnold,
I might never reach your level, but it was a nice start when I wrote this one.
I have been searching for half the live,
two times I made the wrong choice.
The third time I find the right wife,
but in a far away country she lives.
Many miles away,
but at the same time close.
In my heart she stay,
She will never leave it again.
We have been brought together,
by the unknowable fate.
We have promised to stay forever,
in the heart of the other.
We have the feeling of the soulmate,
the same thought on mind.
Communicate from early to always late,
like real lovers do.
Do not want to let go,
listening to the voice of the mate.
Why would it be though,
sometimes I ask myself.
It not easy a reason to find,
what the heart already knows.
It takes time for the mind,
to understand that we are in love.