All About China > Marrying A Lady In China

Church wedding in Guangzhou

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I am not a religious guy. But I was brought up as a Roman Catholic.
I haven't gone to mass in a long time but I count myself as a "good person". I try to be nice to everyone and quick to forgive and forget.
I am not sure about the whole creation thing but i do know the feeling I had when I made my first confession, the feeling that maybe there is something unknown.

If I am to be judged at the end of my days i would like to think i have lived a good life.
I would like to have a church wedding with Sunny. I would like to declare to the unknown that i will take care of her in sickness and in health etc...

I asked her if we could have a little church ceremony in Guangzhou but she thinks we both have to be the same religion and she has none.
I have to admit, while I will be thrilled to have the red book with her, I think i want to declare my devotion to her to God..should he exist..

Anyone had a church wedding in China before?
Are there any multi-denominational churches in Guangzhou in particular where we could marry from a religious perspective?

Vince G:
I do not know for certain about the Roman Catholic churches in China (or elsewhere) but here in the US you both have to be Roman Catholic and if you were divorced? you can't marry there either. What you can do after your married (red book) you can have a "Blessing" from the church. It's a mini wedding.

You can check other christian churches? They may be happy to do it? It's all the same God.

Irish there is Catholic churches in GZ.Like Vince said I don't know if they will marry you and Sunny.Because she is not Catholic.But what you can do is find a justice of the piece in China.Or Waite until Sunny comes to Ireland.And find a Justice of the piece there.With a justice of the piece.You can pretty much write your own wedding vows.And do what you want within the confines of the laws of man.

I'm a former Catholic and I married a agnostic girl the first time (while I was Catholic). The official policy is that its OK as long as you vow to raise you kids Catholic. Also beware that the "Catholic Church" in China is not the same as the "Catholic Church" in the West. The head of the "Catholic Church" in China is the CPC, not Ratzinger.

Vince G:
Allot of "Former" Catholics here? My first wedding was in the Catholic church, the second (for reasons stated above) was in a lutheran church. I know the US Catholic churches have taken flak from the Vatican for trying to be to lacked? So all the Catholic churches in different counties are not the same with the self given laws.

As Mike had it. What is the difference where it is? Your vowing from your heart.


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