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UK Certificate of No Impediment

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Willy The Londoner:
I am due to collect my single certificate soon (Certificate of No Impediment)  I have never been married before.  I am in London.

My question: - is the stautory declaration that has to be sworn with a notary, only for Divorce or death certificates or will I need one for the Single certificate as well.  I know I will be required to have the single certificate legalised at the Foreign Office in Milton Keynes.

UK Mark:
Been looking on the net and it appears that whatever your status widowed / divorced / always been single you will need the statutory declaration.

heres a link for a little more information on it , hope it helps


I agree with UK matter what your status, you will have to have it sworn.  Even though you have always been single, they want you to prove it under oath.

Willy The Londoner:
Thanks guys.

It only cost £5.oo to get it sworn so I might as well do it just to be sure.

Willy the Londoner

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='3876' dateline='1243361351' ---
Thanks guys.

It only cost £5.oo to get it sworn so I might as well do it just to be sure.

Willy the Londoner

--- End quote ---

You guys were right I did need to get it sworn but the cost of swearing with a notary was £50 and not the fiver a normal solicitor charges.  Still my lady is worth every penny.
Willy the Londoner


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