Expats in Asia > Working In Asia

The likeliness of a foreigner finding a non teaching job in China?

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RobertBfrom aust:
Halfpint , whilst you are getting organised do an online TEFL course , there are a few on here that are already doing or have finished it and it is not that expensive and then you have something that is recognised in China so even simple partime employment is feasible then you have time to look around , regards Sujuan and Robert .

Paul Todd:

Why not combine the two and teach computing in China. A fellow teacher friend of mine's husband does just that in Tanjin. He gets an apartment and 15,000rmb per month for working 4 hours a day. She's off at the end of her contract at my school in a couple of weeks to teach fashion design, so it's not just teaching English here.
Halfpint you could well be in great demand teaching business studies too! and of course teaching business English is not to bad either,lots of well paid private work doing that. Good luck to you both  :)

Wow Todd,

Thats just awesome! How the heck did she land that gig? I could teach Flash, Photoshop Illustrator etc Did he have any teaching degree? Does he speak any Chinese? How did he land that job?  I'd much rather teach something like that to be honest... I have a thousand more questions after I read your post... that need answers now :P

Thanks again for giving me different ideas on how to get my 'foot in the door' in China :)

Paul Todd:
Axiom, you are most welcome,
The couple I'm talking about are both registered high school teachers from the Philippines and have been working here for the last 3 years. They taught English to start with and then he moved to a private language school that wanted a computer studies teacher. I'm not sure if he had any qualifications in that area. Neither of them speak Mandarin and to tell you the truth they are paid less than US/UK teachers are. She has just signed a contract for 2 years to teach fashion design and she does have a degree in that subject.
She got that job by putting a CV together and registering with all the teaching sites she could find and then they found her. Why not put that you are looking for a job teaching computing in the "Beginger" looking for work section and see what happens. Heres the link
If you are thinking of teaching in another area of China look for other on-line newspapers. I know the Shanghaiist does the same and there are plenty more out there.
Best of luck.......

Axiom, there are plenty of companies looking for people skilled in programming (php, flash, C and .net) in Shanghai and Beijing, moreso they preferably look for foreigners natively speaking english or well spoken/written english.Most of these companies are either foreign or internationally operating Chinese dot com companies. You can find new ads for recruitment almost daily if you check online, start with echinacities.com for example. But dont expect to find many of these jobs outside of Shanghai or Beijing, atleast i have almost not seen any, but around here there is plenty.  I have had several offers since i got here but i have no interest to convert to an Z visa from my long term F visa at this point, besides i have my own business also and have long term plans to establish office here in China.

However, one thing that differs alot in China (and most Asian countries) compared to many western when you apply for a job. Grad papers means ALOT. Even if you are sh*t at what you do. Real work experience and achievements which are often favoured alot higher then grad papers in many western countries might not be here.

Best of luck to u!


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