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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2011, 11:37:54 pm »
Thanks Hajo

I find that many words are different in the Chengdu (Sichuan) version of Chinese...most confusing  ;D ;D


Hi David, there is a fact about the chinese languages.

China has over 50 recognized minorities, most with their own language. The major languages besides Chinese include the following: Manchurian, Mongolian, Uyghur, Tibetan, Yi, Zhuang and a great number of minor languages concentrated in the southern provinces of China bordering Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. To date, approximately 1500 dialects have been recorded.

So don't be confuse for your wife's Chengdu (Sichuan) version of Chinese.

And I guess you know  the most important rule of the marriage.
Rule 1.Your wife is always right.
Rule 2. If you think your wife is wrong refer to rule 1.

Today (May 4th) is Youth Day in China. But it is not a public holiday. Only the youth who is 14 to 28 years old can have a half-day holiday.

But (always but!) I strongly suggest you guys say happy holiday to your ladies!  And do the same thing on June 1st (Children's day). It is chinese style of humor. ;) ;) These actions mean you guys always think your ladies are very young.

Happy holiday!= jie ri kuai le !(节日快乐!) jie ri 节日=holiday, kuai le 快乐=happy.
Happy Youth Day!=qing nian jie kuai le!(青年节快乐!)  qing nian 青年=youth, jie 节=holiday, kuai le 快乐=happy.

Thinking about the time maybe too later to say that. hmm, don't worry, we still have a good sentence can fix that...

a late blessing :chi dao de zhu fu (迟到的祝福). chi dao de 迟到的=late, zhu fu 祝福=blessing.

so you can say that " chi dao de zhu fu: qing nian jie kuai le!"  (A late blessing: Happy Youth Day!)  ;) ;) ;)


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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2011, 04:37:21 am »
Rule 1.Your wife is always right.
Rule 2. If you think your wife is wrong refer to rule 1.


Thanks Sunny, I just have to concentrate on Chengdu dialect !!!

BTW.....I dont think your saying above applies in Australia.........more likely is :

Rule 1...Husband is always right

Rule 2...If husband is wrong...dont confuse him with facts, he has already made up his mind "

 ;D ;D ;D ;D...David

Offline sunny

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2011, 12:07:04 am »
Rule 1.Your wife is always right.
Rule 2. If you think your wife is wrong refer to rule 1.


Thanks Sunny, I just have to concentrate on Chengdu dialect !!!

BTW.....I dont think your saying above applies in Australia.........more likely is :

Rule 1...Husband is always right

Rule 2...If husband is wrong...dont confuse him with facts, he has already made up his mind "

 ;D ;D ;D ;D...David

Hi David E,

I was thinking you might be right....because I thought  Australia is very special continent that  Australia kangaroos dad has a belly pocket which carries their babies instead of the  kangaroos mom. so "husband is always right" may be reasonable in Australia... But (always but!), uncle google said  kangaroos dad didn't have the belly pocket  at all. So wife is always more important in the family!

I've never gone to  Australia...I'm not sure uncle google was right or no. Could you confirm that? haha.

Fortunately, I live in Canada, and have a good American neighbor, Mr. mpo4747. We have the same value of marriage. Cheers!

Ok,let's begin the lesson.

May 8th is Mother's Day in China. we will learn a blessing sentence and an amazing love song.

1. Happy Mother's Day!
 mu qin jie kuai le!(母亲节快乐!)   mu qin(母亲)=mother, jie(节)=holiday, kuai le(快乐)=happy.

I know it is very easy for you guys,I don't need say more.

2. A love song named "yue liang dai biao wo de xin(月亮代表我的心/The Moon Represents My Heart)." It is so famous that I'd never found  a Chinese friend didn't know it. I think it is the best present for your lady on the holiday.

I will give you two versions of the song. One was singing by the best chinese female singer named "deng li jun". Another one was singing by a American Singer, DiMuzio. You could find both of pinyin and english lyrics at the second one (Click,the lyrics under the video). It is very helpful learning how to sing the song.

yue liang dai biao wo de xin
月亮代表我的心 - Best Cover Since David Tao!!

Even though you are too shy to sing that to your lady, you still can play piano or guitar....or whistle. easy, eh?

Enjoy the song.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 12:14:03 am by sunny »

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2011, 07:08:39 am »
Hey Mike...maybe next time we all go for lunch, you can show off your singing skills for our listening pleasure.

Offline Hajo

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2011, 10:25:53 am »

Even though you are too shy to sing that to your lady, you still can play piano or guitar....or whistle. easy, eh?

Enjoy the song.


Hehe, was my musical capabilities I would make the people of our whole village run. I played the video on my PC and my wife started singing it at once. I think, I leave the singing to her ;D

Thank you for the lesson. It will be very helpful on Sunday!
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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2011, 11:05:54 pm »
I played the video on my PC and my wife started singing it at once. I think, I leave the singing to her ;D

Wow. How touching  moment it is ! I can imagine that... Please say hi to your sweet wife for me.  :)

Mike, I do admire your musical taste...Hopefully you  will sing the song for us in the Autumn. Of course, you wife will be here.

Today,our lesson is very easy.... please follow me to read the sentence below out loudly, "老师节日快乐!"

lao shi, jie ri kuai le!(老师,节日快乐!)=Happy Holiday! Techer.

lao shi 老师=teacher, jie ri 节日=holiday, kuai le 快乐=happy.

Haha, enjoy the weekend and hoilday!

« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:16:58 pm by sunny »

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2011, 11:18:58 pm »
Xiexie Lao Shi Sunny Happy Cinco De Mayo + 1 day as I am celebrating by sipping a Margarita

My wife just sent me some recent pics on QQ but now she is off to work teaching her Zither so I am her in Margaritaville sipping the time away.

A lemon is not a Mandarin but still a fruit.


So do the Chinese have a special day for their Mothers and is there a greeting used for this day or just a simple Happy Mothers day suffices?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:29:41 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Axiom

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2011, 08:38:35 pm »
This should be stickied. I think its one of teh most informative posts I have seen here. Helped me a lot for starting to unlock the mysteries of the Chinese language.

Offline Hajo

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2011, 11:46:41 am »
老师,你在哪里? Lao Shi, ni zai nali? Teacher, where are you?   8)
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline sunny

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2011, 11:38:03 pm »
I'm so sorry i was stuck by something and the fan of my laptop was on strike. I will be back soon. :)

Offline sunny

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2011, 08:56:22 am »
Hi guys...Morning!

Today is very special day in China... May 20th is 520 in chinese...Its pronunciation is similar as 我爱你(I love you)..So it is a perfect time to say 我爱你 to your lady.

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2011, 12:34:35 pm »
Rule 1.Your wife is always right.
Rule 2. If you think your wife is wrong refer to rule 1.


Thanks Sunny, I just have to concentrate on Chengdu dialect !!!

BTW.....I dont think your saying above applies in Australia.........more likely is :

Rule 1...Husband is always right

Rule 2...If husband is wrong...dont confuse him with facts, he has already made up his mind "

 ;D ;D ;D ;D...David

My mother would beat me....... sorry, I have to side with the ladies on this one, because I have a very strong willed Polish/Irish- American mama

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Re: Make her happy,learning perfect Mandarin per day!
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2012, 12:03:20 pm »
Why have I NOTaw this thread before? :o  Very informitive, I have bookmartked each lesson will look at everyday from now on.

Thank you very much Sunny xie xie ni
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