Shaun, I have have high-lighted the answer to your question. Generally speaking most people know what topics and posts can be safely post without worrying about any interaction with moderators. They will always be those who try to push the envelope no matter what so those cases will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
" The areas in bold red are areas where some leniency is allowed, but this also requires the poster to use good judgement and taste when posting topics with these attributes."
This is an adult-oriented site and I expect members to act like adults! If someone is looking for an idea of what type of material they may encounter here, I would think they would see similar content and material by viewing any day-time talk show in the USA or by watching any theater movie rated with a PG-13 rating. Some of the content may get a little racy at times but those will be dealt with as needed. If someone does post something that crosses the line the post will be edited to remove the offensive material/content and the person moderating that post will send a pm to the member explaining why their post was edited or removed. My personal observations over the years though indicate to me that most people posting questionable material know beforehand that their post is offensive and only post it to instigate others or test boundaries.