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QQ is a huge social chat network. “..As of 20 March 2013, there are 798.2 million active QQ accounts”. 
Jing participates on the “chat” features of QQ. When there is something of interest, Jing finds the answer. I guess it contributes to her learning features of all things foreign, instead of guessing or relying on me for an answer; besides, as many here have witnessed, we take a back seat to anything on QQ chat. How can anyone be wrong, they are Chinese!
(Of note, Jing told me there are at least two groups of Chinese wives, the 'good' women & the 'bad' women). That would be interesting to participate in. Maybe the NVC monitors that traffic, though probably not (invasion of privacy law).
Anyway, my thinking was piqued by the NSA mess that is going on. Does anyone here know if there is an QQ thread that is specifically focused (SPYING) on the men's forums that presents our information? I suppose we have to ask the wife. :o Lots of information and pictures are available for anyone at anytime. Jing has seen me on this forum...didn't seem to be interested at all, but I think if there is an active chat thread with other China women, that may be another matter. 

Willy The Londoner:
Maybe that sounds like it would be good for the women but how could it be moderated?

No one on the 'board' has that level of all the dialects of Chinese.


Willy, my wording was a bit harsh. The QQ forums are informal, probably the same as other chat vehicles.
I was just curious if anyone here knows if the women on QQ have something like a forum such as “if you are Chinese wife of a foreigner, what do you know of husband”?  Or, “What do you expect of husband”? Or, “How husband should treat you”.
I mean if you venture this forum, there is a lot of intimate information available to anyone anywhere, and that may include your wife, your girlfriend, your 'expectant' one, the marriage agency head where your woman is profiled. If you have a few QQ participants, I am sure some bi- lingual wife or girlfriend may scan the foreign guy forums to see what their husbands or boyfriends are saying or asking about them.

My wife talks of  I assume it is a Chinese woman's forum for women who want to marry western men.  I think it is kind of like this forum and visa journey's forum.

Note: I cringe when she tells me that the people on said....  because more often than not the comment is flawed but to a Chinese woman it is gospel.

When I was looking russian (yeah I know) I came across women's forums for women and westerners.


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