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My search

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Hi everyone...  I am new to this site.  I have been lurking for a little while and I have been on China Love for about a month.

I am not new to forums and do not mind posting about my questions, concerns and my search.  In fact, because I am so new to all of this and need to learn everything I intend to make this thread my history of my search for a good Chinese woman, and my go to spot for any questions I might have, and a welcome place for any information all of you might think I need.

I am already in contact with a couple of women.  I will post about them tomorrow.  I just wanted to introduce myself and give you all a chance to know that I exist.  And I send my best to IrishGuy65 - I have been reading along and I know he is in China now - and meeting his gal.  I hope it all goes well.

Anyways, I look forward to hearing from anyone who wants to comment.  I will be back tomorrow with more...

Robertt S:
Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy yourself and find the information you are seeking.

Good luck and we look forward to learning more about you. And welcome to our site.

Willy The Londoner:
Welcome aboard Matey.  Oops maybe your not a seafarer but like ships?

Hope that is not a slow boat to China you have there! ;D

There is a lot of experience on here not just for the initial meetings face to face but also the trials and tribulations that inevitably arise and the utter joy that comes later when all your dreams are fulfilled.


Welcome Jim.


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