Expats in Asia > Housing and Food in Asia

Weird Foods of China

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Has anyone here tried balut?  It's supposed to be an aphrodisiac, although I am not sure why it is considered so.  It sounds far worse that it tastes.  I quite enjoy them myself.  Not sure what it is...check out this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut_%28food%29

Robertt S:
 The part about baluts being a aphrodisiac is a myth. The philippine ladies really use baluts as a benchmark to measure your love for them. I know I would have to be head over heels for a lady before munching on rotten duck eggs. 8)

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: Martin on July 05, 2014, 07:04:09 pm ---Has anyone here tried balut?  It's supposed to be an aphrodisiac, although I am not sure why it is considered so.  It sounds far worse that it tastes.  I quite enjoy them myself.  Not sure what it is...check out this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut_%28food%29

--- End quote ---

But did they work Martin?  ;)



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