All About China > Visas, Immigration and Emigration

Immigration or Illegal Imigration That is the New Question


It seems that our current president in America has changed how people come to America via Mexico.  Not to make this political or anything like it my thought gravitated today to what this was going to do to those who are trying to bring the their spouse to America the legal way.

How will all of this affect current legal immigration?

Will the consulates make things more difficult than they already are?

Will they follow suit with the president and make things easier?

Robertt S:
   When the prez decided to give illegal aliens a two year amnesty and work papers he did not hire any additional workers at USCIS to process the avalanche of applications they were hit with. That resulted in longer waiting periods for LEGAL applicants while approx. 560,000 applications for illegal aliens were processed. Guess what, the two-year amnesty is almost expired and time to renew for another two-years and no additional workers will be hired for that also. So add 560,000 illegals to the number of legal applicants and I think you can figure the rest out. :(


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