Author Topic: If Ebola came to Central America  (Read 1051 times)

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If Ebola came to Central America
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:25:49 pm »
The Marine Corps general who leads America's Southern Command warned Tuesday that the U.S. could face an unprecedented flood of immigrants from the south if the Ebola virus epidemic hits Central America.
'If it breaks out, it's literally, "Katie bar the door",' Gen John Kelly told said during a public discussion at the National Defense University. 'And there will be mass migration into the United States.'
'They will run away from Ebola, or if they suspect they are infected, they will try to get to the United States for treatment.'
The phrase 'Katie bar the door' refers to a panic in response to a coming threat. It likely originated with an 1894 poem about an Irish girl's family protecting their household from her drunkard husband.
Kelly also warned on Tuesday that if the deadly disease should reach isolated, resource-poor countries in the Western Hemisphere like Haiti, it could devastate large populations before it's brought to heel.
'By the end of the year, there's supposed to be 1.4 million people infected with Ebola and 62 percent of them dying, according to the CDC,' he said.
'That's horrific. And there is no way we can keep Ebola [contained] in West Africa.'
And once it makes the large-scale jump over the Atlantic Ocean, he worried aloud, 'much like West Africa, it will rage for a period of time.'
Making matters potentially worse, Kelly warned that the same human trafficking networks responsible for bringing illegal immigrants northward through Mexico could unwittingly pass Ebola to the U.S. through their human cargo.
  He accompanied American embassy personnel to visit the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, he recalled.
They saw a group of men 'waiting in line to pass into Nicaragua and then on their way north.'
'The embassy person walked over and asked who they were,' Kelly said, 'and they told him they were from Liberia and they had been on the road about a week.'
'They met up with the network in Trinidad and now they were on their way to the United States – illegally, of course.'
Those men, he told the military audience, 'could have made it to New York City and still be within the incubation period for Ebola.'
Ebola patients can carry the disease for a week or more before symptoms show and they become capable of easily transmitting the disease to others.
The illness has killed 3,439 people in west Africa this year, according to the World Health Organization.
The first American patient, a Liberian man who developed symptoms after reaching Texas on a trip to marry his girlfriend, died Wednesday morning.
  Budgets cuts, he said in a spring congressional hearing, are 'severely degrading' his Pentagon task force's ability to stem the flow of illegal immigration.
Nearly 75 per cent of traffickers, he said, are left unchallenged.
'I simply sit and watch it go by,' Kelly told lawmakers.
'All this corruption and violence is directly or indirectly due to the insatiable U.S.demand for drugs, particularly cocaine, heroin and now methamphetamines,” Kelly told the Defense One website in July, 'all of which are produced in Latin America and smuggled into the U.S. along an incredibly efficient network along which anything – hundreds of tons of drugs, people, terrorists, potentially weapons of mass destruction or children – can travel, so long as they can pay the fare.'

 Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz3FamyCzbu


Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: If Ebola came to Central America
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 09:49:20 am »
With a staff member who dealt with man who had travelled from Liberia to get married has become the first person to contract the the virus in America.It just shows just how virulent this virus is. 

 Even though the World has been talking about Ebola for weeks the Texan medic who saw the original man who died was seriously at fault.   When this can happen in a country with a high standard of health care then it shows just how easy it spreads in the undeveloped Worlds.

Willy The Lpndoner

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