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President Donald Trump will order the U.S. government to stop accepting Syrian refugees and suspend the issuing of visas to people from seven predominantly Muslim countries, according to a draft executive order obtained by the Associated Press Wednesday.
The AP also reported that the draft order shows Trump intends to suspend the United States' broader refugee program for 120 days. Citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen would be unable to obtain U.S. visas for at least 30 days.
Trump is expected to sign the order this week. It was not clear if the draft will be revised before then.
According to the AP, Trump's draft shows that he will order Homeland Security and State Department officials, along with the director of national intelligence, to review what information the government needs to fully vet would-be visitors and come up with a list of countries that don't provide it. The order says the government will give countries 60 days to start providing the information or citizens from those countries will be barred from traveling to the United States.
Exceptions would be made for diplomats, NATO visas or those people traveling to work at the United Nations.
During the campaign Trump, said vetting procedures were inadequate and suggested that terrorists could pose as Syrian refugees to infiltrate the United States.
While suspending visas for Syrians, Trump is also asking that officials from the departments of State and Defense to draft plans for safe zones in and around Syria.
Trump has the authority to determine how many refugees are accepted annually and he can suspend the program at any time. Refugee processing was suspended in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, restarting months later.
During the last budget year, the U.S. accepted 84,995 refugees, including 12,587 people from Syria and President Barack Obama had set the refugee limit for this budget year at 110,000.
Trump, according to his yet-to-be-signed executive order, will cut that program by more half to 50,000. The order said while the program is suspended, the U.S. may admit people on a case-by-case basis "when in the national interest" and the government would continue to process refugee requests from people claiming religious persecution, "provided that the a minority religion in the individual's country." That suggests that would allow the admission of Christians from Muslim-majority countries.
Earlier Wednesday, Trump issued orders aimed at moving ahead with a wall on the Mexican border and blocking federal funds from "sanctuary cities" that protect immigrants.
“A nation without borders is not a nation,” Trump declared after signing the measures, while speaking to employees at the Department of Homeland Security. “Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders.”
The first order calls for the “immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border,” and directs the DHS secretary to take “all appropriate steps to immediately plan, design, and construct” the wall using authority under existing law.
While it’s not yet clear exactly how the project might be funded or how much it would cost, Trump reiterated his vow that Mexico “absolutely” will pay for the project eventually, something the Mexican government has denied.
“Ultimately it will come out of what’s happening with Mexico,” Trump told ABC News in a separate interview, adding construction could begin in a matter of months.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said Wednesday night that he "regrets and disapproves'' the push by Trump to build a new wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Pena Nieto did not say whether or not he will attend a summit with Trump in Washington that the White House said would take place on Tuesday.
Mexico’s contribution aside, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said existing Homeland Security funding could be used for now to get started, and congressional appropriations eventually would be needed. The order itself calls for the preparation of congressional budget requests.
The same executive order also calls for hiring 5,000 more Border Patrol agents and ending “catch-and-release” policies for illegal immigrants, among other provisions.
Another order is aimed at helping federal immigration agents. It calls for hiring 10,000 additional officers; restoring the so-called Secure Communities program and other local partnerships; prioritizing the deportation of illegal immigrant criminals; directing the State Department to use leverage to ensure illegal immigrants are taken back by their country of origin – and moving to strip federal grant money to sanctuary states and cities that “harbor” illegal immigrants.

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 01:39:29 am »
What... Muslims are the problem here?
On ChnRomance? A bit different considering the deviation from the norm,
China. But what the eh! I'll give it a go. 

Fair game.

With all due respect, the post is questionable.
Does anyone really believe, that the why & how we involved ourselves
politically & militarily in the middle- East since the 80's, we can just
dis- engage that theater, go home, & the world not suffer the repercussions
of our actions? 

The whole of the middle-East & northern Africa is in a severe state of
instability/ unrest. Chaos & confusion. People die. Survivors flee to safety.
Ancient cultures destroyed. Europe flooded with millions of refugees. Not
good. We sit on our fat American asses, between two oceans, insulated by
distance. It isn't our problem. 

Jack Ma recently stated that America has spent/ wasted 14 or so trillion dollars
on a dozen or so wars the past 30 years. He is correct. We are not smart... the
Cold War is over. We squandered our peace dividend. We squandered our good
will in the world. Stupid is as stupid does.

One has to wonder the next chapter... the restoration of humanity & of the world's
nations well being. I have my doubts about Trump.
Populist politics created this problem. Populist politics will not fix this problem.
I so hate populist politics.
Fuck populism.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 02:37:34 am by JohnB »

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2017, 02:03:19 am »

America - wake up before its too late.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Robertt S

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2017, 09:59:04 am »

America - wake up before its too late.


America has woke up! That is why Trump was elected! The American public has watched the EU start to become a third world country with the flood of muslim refugees. It is strange though that neighboring rich Muslim nations refuse to accept muslim refugees because they are afraid the refugees will cause problems in their countries!

 France has no option other than to kiss the refugees ass now since that country has more immigrants than Frenchmen. Germany is going down the same path thanks to Merkel! Many other EU countries are waking up too, and closing their borders also, so America is not alone in it's struggle to protect it's citizens from immigrants that refuse to assimilate and insist on bringing their stone age customs with them to their willing or unwilling host countries! I believe the next round of elections in the EU will have many people that allowed their countries to be flooded by refugees looking for new posts to occupy also!

« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 03:52:05 pm by Robertt S »

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 04:43:39 pm »
Germany made mistakes with an open-door policy that saw more than a million migrants enter Germany over the past two years, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble acknowledged on Sunday, but he said Berlin was trying to learn from those missteps."We have tried to improve what got away from us in 2015," Schaeuble told the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "We politicians are human; we also make mistakes. But one can at least learn from them."Schaeuble is a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats, who have lost support to the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party over the migration issue, after several attacks carried out by migrants. The AfD is now poised to become the third largest party in parliament in September national elections.The issue has also divided the European Union, with many countries balking at taking in a proportional share of refugees.Schaeuble said Europe needed to consider harmonising its social benefits to achieve a more equitable distribution of migrants among EU members, a subject that he said had thus far been considered "taboo" in Germany. "We have much higher standards when it comes to social benefits than most European countries. That's why so many want to come to Germany," he told the newspaper.Schaeuble also said he was skeptical about the leadership style of the U.S. President Donald Trump, who has sparked concerns among European leaders with executive orders on immigration, as well as his decision to cancel trade agreements. "In America, we can now see how someone is acting as if he can do everything very quickly. That will not only have good results," he said.A poll conducted earlier this month showed that refugee policy would be the biggest issue for voters in the September election.

Looks to me like Trump is trying to stave off many of the problems that the EU is dealing with now!

Offline David E

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2017, 04:51:41 pm »
I'm with you Robert....

Whether we like it or not, the Western World is being invaded by a primitive, ruthless and totally vicious set of religious fanatics. Australia is not immune from this, although we are mostly on the "slow drip" of invasion and have seen little actual violence...time will tell.

I find it difficult to comprehend why the so-called "good Muslims" have not been vigorously and vocally denouncing violence and taking active steps to do something about the pestilence that their religion has allowed to infect the Western World.....or are there 2 sides to this "invasion", the dirty and the "clean"

Wake up World, it gets closer each day we fail to deal with it.

Good onya Donald, keep it up !!!!!...

I also notice that China does not have this problem...Government is too strong to allow them to get a foothold...there's a lesson for us all !!!

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2017, 10:03:10 pm »

America has woke up! That is why Trump was elected! The American public has watched the EU start to become a third world country with the flood of muslim refugees. It is strange though that neighboring rich Muslim nations refuse to accept muslim refugees because they are afraid the refugees will cause problems in their countries!

 France has no option other than to kiss the refugees ass now since that country has more immigrants than Frenchmen. Germany is going down the same path thanks to Merkel! Many other EU countries are waking up too, and closing their borders also, so America is not alone in it's struggle to protect it's citizens from immigrants that refuse to assimilate and insist on bringing their stone age customs with them to their willing or unwilling host countries! I believe the next round of elections in the EU will have many people that allowed their countries to be flooded by refugees looking for new posts to occupy also!

My comments was that the USA at this time is roughly equally divided between Trump and no Trump.  This has divided the country in such a manner that the USA is in danger, not from outsiders but from within itself. 

I wonder what Trumps reaction and tweets will be when the first mass shootings takes place on his watch.


« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 10:09:01 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Robertt S

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2017, 10:21:45 pm »

America has woke up! That is why Trump was elected! The American public has watched the EU start to become a third world country with the flood of muslim refugees. It is strange though that neighboring rich Muslim nations refuse to accept muslim refugees because they are afraid the refugees will cause problems in their countries!

 France has no option other than to kiss the refugees ass now since that country has more immigrants than Frenchmen. Germany is going down the same path thanks to Merkel! Many other EU countries are waking up too, and closing their borders also, so America is not alone in it's struggle to protect it's citizens from immigrants that refuse to assimilate and insist on bringing their stone age customs with them to their willing or unwilling host countries! I believe the next round of elections in the EU will have many people that allowed their countries to be flooded by refugees looking for new posts to occupy also!

My comments was that the USA at this time is roughly equally divided between Trump and no Trump.  This has divided the country in such a manner that the USA is in danger, not from outsiders but from within itself. 

I wonder what Trumps reaction and tweets will be when the first mass shootings takes place on his watch.


I think there will be a lot less molly coddling and people will be held accountable for their actions regardless of race and color! If you take out all the illegal votes and multiple votes from Democrat supporters it is not even close to be equally divided. As far as his reactions to the first mass shootings, I hope his teams handle any situation with swift and decisive action without worrying about political correctness.

Offline Robertt S

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2017, 10:30:05 pm »
I'm with you Robert....

Whether we like it or not, the Western World is being invaded by a primitive, ruthless and totally vicious set of religious fanatics. Australia is not immune from this, although we are mostly on the "slow drip" of invasion and have seen little actual violence...time will tell.

I find it difficult to comprehend why the so-called "good Muslims" have not been vigorously and vocally denouncing violence and taking active steps to do something about the pestilence that their religion has allowed to infect the Western World.....or are there 2 sides to this "invasion", the dirty and the "clean"

Wake up World, it gets closer each day we fail to deal with it.

Good onya Donald, keep it up !!!!!...

I also notice that China does not have this problem...Government is too strong to allow them to get a foothold...there's a lesson for us all !!!

China does not worry about what others think about their policies! They identify a problem and they deal with it on their terms and not what world opinion dictates.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: US to suspend refugee processing from Syria and other Muslim countries
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2017, 02:14:06 am »

I think there will be a lot less molly coddling and people will be held accountable for their actions regardless of race and color! If you take out all the illegal votes and multiple votes from Democrat supporters it is not even close to be equally divided. As far as his reactions to the first mass shootings, I hope his teams handle any situation with swift and decisive action without worrying about political correctness.

I think there will be a lot less molly coddling and people will be held accountable for their actions regardless of race and color!I hope that applies to Trump as well. If he makes mistakes he should pay.

 If you take out all the illegal votes and multiple votes from Democrat supporters it is not even close to be equally divided.  Not once has anyone on the Trump team has come up with proof that the US voting system is available for rigging.  Why does he not accept that he HAS actually won regardless of his paranoia about number of votes he received or  the numbers at his inaugoration were not as high as he said or that his money worth is higher than the media say.  Lets face it he was a very rich man when he came into office and will be probably richer when he leaves in 4 years time.

As far as his reactions to the first mass shootings, I hope his teams handle any situation with swift and decisive action without worrying about political correctness. I hope they do but i fear not. I am not talking about terrorist incidents in the USA, in the past ten years these have been few and far between.  This is because intelligence has been good up till now. I am talking about Americans shooting Americans.

Maybe there should be an age restriction on Presidential Candidates!


« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 02:17:34 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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