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Immigration Lawyers

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I am looking for a new immigration lawyer.  Who out there has used one and good results with.  There are a number of them advertised on the net, but I would like to get one who has the best chance of getting this thing done.  I am not going to do this on my own and risk a turn down because of something stupid.  We should have a very good chance with our age, and her job. (I would think anyway).   Maybe we could build up a list of ones to use so the members can pick.  Thanks.  I know they talk about this on chnlove but I never know how accurate the info there is and I know here is fairly safe and very knowledgeable.  Thanks.

Hello Jim, I have hired lawyers to handle my application for my wife and I, we have had a good experience so far and they have helped us a lot. By the way I am in Canada, and I think the immigration process is similar in many ways. (correct me if I am wrong)  ;)

when looking for lawyers, try to find an Immigration lawyers that has a lot of  experience working with immigration. They will have more knowledge about immigration and the in's and out's of it. Do not pick a lawyer that has dealt with immigration only a few times, or has no experience with immigration. Try and find a reputable immigration lawyer.

You should know that hiring a lawyer will not make the immigration process go any faster (in most cases) and it will not guarantee your lady a visa to enter the United States. This is obviously immigration that decides when and if she will be allowed to enter your country. What the lawyers will do is make sure everything is completed and filed correctly before sending anything to immigration, this could be very helpful because if you make any mistakes on your application, or missing information or documents, then this will cause immigration to send back your application to you for proper completion, so in that respect hiring lawyers will save you time and headaches caused by any possible mistakes or missing information in your application.

good luck,

I know the adverts.  They all say they are "specialists" I want one who I can believe because someone here has used them and they have confidence in them.  No matter which way I try to get her here.  Temporary work visa or immigration.  The new amendment to the Nurses work visa sounds promising in the short term.  That will get her here sooner.  Then we can work on her permanent Visa.  getting her here is the most important one first.  She is a registered Nurse.  the new amendment "Nurses Relief act of 2009" promises to get them here within 90 days. For a 3 year non-immigrant Visa plus their children and or spouse. but they have to have a job offer.  That is no problem for her.  My daughter can get her hired. (She is an RN also.) with ties to the hospitals.)  but the long term is what I am interested in obviously. So I want an Atty. who knows what the heck he /she is talking about. Anyone of them can say they know what it is.  i want one whom I can trust to pay my money to.  

Thanks guys for your help.  i know I can count on you all here.  Just like you can count on me.

Jim try Holmes and lolly there have a web site on the intenet they were the ones that I used

Thanks Maxx, I called them and they seemed reasonable enough.  If you recommend them, I will go with them. Thanks again.


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