David brings up a point about something else , the Homeless . The last couple of Thanksgiving's I donated some Money to the LA Mission to provide Meals for them . Well guess what ? From then on I receive Ton's of Mail asking for more from the same Organization . Now is that where their spending most of the incoming Money on , instead for Food ? I mean , paper/mail is not free for them . This made me stop giving anything again . So go figure , half get's spend that way .. minus what someone there put's in their Pocket .. so what is left for the actual Homeless ? To think , besides .. lot of them are Vet's . So nice Job .. GOV. .
I strongly believe , that here our Government encourage everybody to eat Junk Food's and get Fat/Unhealthy so we die-off before we become 62/65 to collect . Since we are not dying off fast enough .. what do they do ? Raise the Retirement age .. to safe them the Money that we pay'd all our Lives for SS . I have read ones that the McD's in Sweden serve much healthier food there , so why not here ? Well ... ^^^ explain it .. doesn't it .