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The Campfire / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by joeswuhandream on July 29, 2024, 12:26:34 pm »
Hi Martin
nice to see someone coming in from time to time. the good days when there was much activity i do miss them think many now have moved on and I hope leading good lives with their Chinese wife i sure hope so, it's a pity we shall never know how things have turned out for many, I do have a friend who was a member here unfortunately he died. 
As for me everything is good and my wife is doing well, I'm retired now we hope the future will be back in Chengdu. fingers crossed
regards Joe
Ask An Experienced Member / the sigh of the times
« Last post by joeswuhandream on July 28, 2024, 01:27:37 pm »
well, thought I would come in and see what doing. Unfortunately, nothing happening well for a long time at that. which is sad, furthermore changing times with the world economy work and immigration is one hell of a road and expensive, maybe most of us in this group were lucky when we started our journeys to meet a Chinese lady and travelling to China with valuable input from the member's postings most of the time looking back were memorable.
maybe this is the end of the road. I shall continue until the end of the year and keep popping in  maybe to see if there are any postings if not it will be the end for me but not without memories It is a shame was an excellent and honest forum .cheers guys
The Campfire / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by shaun on March 25, 2024, 02:50:25 pm »

I'm pretty good.  My wife has been here almost 2 years.  I've been battling cancer but we're making great strides and I'm cancer free right now after surgery. But we are staying on top of it testing and watching.  My business is growing a lot right now having just added our second store.  We're not stopping but we're pushing through.  Check us out on Facebook.  The Blade Guyz.  Follow us there too to help build my statistics.

The Campfire / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by Martin on March 23, 2024, 11:22:53 am »
Hi Shaun. How is everything with you?
The Campfire / Re: Where is everyone?
« Last post by shaun on March 21, 2024, 06:59:47 am »
Hey Martin, glade to hear from you.  A few of us pop in from time to time.  Mostly this place is a ghost town.
The Campfire / Where is everyone?
« Last post by Martin on March 14, 2024, 01:22:11 am »
Hi all. Just thought I would drop a line here, to see if anyone was still out and about, and reading these messages?  It’s been a few years since I was here as well. Be great to hear from some of the old gang.
Ring of Fire / Re: Expanding the countries the site includes
« Last post by Martin on March 14, 2024, 01:17:24 am »
I think it’s a fantastic idea. Especially when a number of us have sought love in other countries.
Your trip to China / Re: End of the road
« Last post by Pineau on February 26, 2024, 07:24:12 pm »
I have been so busy since moving to Texas.
Your trip to China / Re: End of the road
« Last post by Rhonald on January 08, 2024, 10:07:43 pm »
Trying not to be around, but desserts do taste good. Finished up my 3 year Acupuncture course and need to write provincial exams in order to be able to practice. This will help out at my wife's clinic.Anybody else been exposed to moxibustion? As well plenty of Chinese herbs and formulas. Happy New Year to all and may this year be good to all
Your trip to China / Re: End of the road
« Last post by shaun on December 26, 2023, 12:37:07 pm »
Still here.  We've been married 11 1/2 years and she's been here 1-1/2 years.

Life is mostly good.  I'm battling cancer right now.  The prognosis is good but the process in a pain.  We caught it early.

We're opening a second store 5 times larger that the first and we are going to try to operate both.

Help me out by liking then following my store on facebook.  The Blade Guyz  I'm trying to get to 100 follows to get data about the demographics of people who are looking.  It also moves me up in suggesting my site to new people.  Thank you in advance for doing it.

All this and I'm almost 69 and going strong.

Shaun and Xinjiao
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