China Romance

General Discussion and Useful Links => Newbies Corner => Topic started by: Philip on May 28, 2011, 10:00:53 pm

Title: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Philip on May 28, 2011, 10:00:53 pm
Hi guys, after all this discussion about the pros and cons of China Love, I thought it would be good to get a poll going to get everyone's opinion. It would be interesting to see who would go down the China Love route after the benefit of experience.

Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Philip on May 28, 2011, 11:24:49 pm
Thanks Robert :)
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Philip on May 30, 2011, 06:15:55 am
I would appreciate it if as many people as possible could take part in this survey, at least 100 members. Then we could get a picture of the success rate of the different methods and how our experience of using them has changed our outlook.
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Neil on May 30, 2011, 02:16:55 pm
technically, I could vote everything except "If I did it again, I would use Chnlove". 
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on May 31, 2011, 12:55:45 am
I have cast my vote. But think the sun of Hong Kong may have got to your head Phillip if you think that there are 100 members who use this site now.   Buit it will be interesting to know what the results will be.

Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: David E on May 31, 2011, 04:43:30 am
I think your percentages are a bit screwed up ??

For instance, there were 21 respondents to the survey (as last I looked) of which 18 had used ChnLove...this represents 85.7% of respondents

and so on and so on

Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Philip on May 31, 2011, 06:32:10 am
Ignore the percentages. This is the first survey I've done, so I don't know how to turn them off. They only represent the percentage of all the responses.
Just look at the numbers of responses for each question. An interesting picture is starting to emerge.
Willy, the Hong Kong sun is similar to the Zhongshan sun. Some might even say it is the same sun.  In fact, the father of Chinese communism, Sun Zhongshan (or Sun Yat-sen) comes from your neck of the woods. 100 members may be slightly ambitious, but it would be a decent representative sample if it were possible. I may resort to making pointless inane posts to keep this thread fresh and browbeat people into voting.
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: shaun on May 31, 2011, 08:03:43 am
I hope everyone uses this.  It already looks to me like those who used an alternate way other than chnlove have had more success.  Unfortunately many who lost are no longer on this site.
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Vince G on May 31, 2011, 08:36:51 am
Only one thing that I have seen mixed up on many other sites and here as well... It's Chnlove not China Love. China Love is what we are (this forum). Some are confused by this?
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on May 31, 2011, 10:57:44 am
I think your percentages are a bit screwed up ??

For instance, there were 21 respondents to the survey (as last I looked) of which 18 had used ChnLove...this represents 85.7% of respondents

and so on and so on


David the percentage is calculated based upon how many votes in all categories. When I checked for this, there was a total of 79 votes with 19 being used Chnlove. 19/79 = 24 % which is what is showing now.

And with 24 actual voters, then the average person checks 3.3 boxes....wait a sec, I am sure glad we don't have a former dogmatic member here as his response to this survey and my statistics would have drawn out his ire.

So far the numbers showing up is what my gut had a feeling as the typical trend here. This survey just solidifies my thinking. Thanks for thinking up this thread Alex.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on May 31, 2011, 11:11:12 am
I guess I should have also checked off on "I was unsuccessful with the alternative method", since I was on plenty of fish first before I saw the add for Chnlove on their website. IS this The old bait and switch?

I remember sending out 3 emails to local girls and never getting a response. My friend said that to have success on plenty of fish required a shotgun response, firing of 20 generic emails to girls in hopes of getting a bite. This did not sit well with me as I wished for something more romantic, and so I tossed my coin into the EMF wishing well on Chnlove. And the rest has been....Pray and do tell.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: lfputman3 on May 31, 2011, 01:15:16 pm
I am with Vince, what site are you polling about? We are on China Love, I have never used Chinalove and unlike Neil, I do not have a raging hate for Chnlove, but I am a cold hearted accountant who understands bottom line and that there are many businesses in the world in all categories, who do not behave properly.

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Buzz on May 31, 2011, 01:59:35 pm
I was very successful on Chnlove.  I understood the cost of the EMF up front and budgeted the money necessary.  I did not speak by phone, skype, e-mail, or text with my wife.  all communication was thru the young lady at the agency.  That young lady is a very dear friend and while she has left the agency,  we remain friends.  I am not sure what the purpose of this survey is or the results intended to show.  I am sure that if the ladies who have spent money and time with the agency, were in contact with foreign prospects, and it did not work out,  would be harsh on the agency as well.  But as in life, there are no 100% guarantee get a wife free cards.  There are a lot of success stories out there.  I believe that it is not the agency, or luck, or divine intervention that determines who is or is not successful.  I believe that it is the foundation that is in place by both parties and the level of maturity in both parties and the determination to work thru the culture differences that determine who is or is not successful.  This process is not cheep, the cost of EMFs is enough to make sure you examine what you want to say and what is worth saying. 

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Neil on May 31, 2011, 05:03:23 pm
the survey is not very accurate - I made one choice, though, like I said earlier, I could have made multiple choices.  None of the choices are mutually exclusive. 
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: lfputman3 on May 31, 2011, 05:05:32 pm
I think the point has been missed. Everyone keeps saying Chnlove, but the survey says "China Love" which as Vince pointed out, is this site

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Neil on May 31, 2011, 05:11:03 pm
Lloyd, I think we should let Phillip answer that, but it's plainly obvious he means Chnlove - there has never been any discussion on the pros or cons on the benefits of THIS site.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: David E on May 31, 2011, 05:33:57 pm
I sure dont wish to get embroiled in a shooting match about percentages and statistics...the survey is brilliant and thanks to Philip for doing it.

But I think that any survey must provide information for potential "seekers" to show what happened in the past, and give some pointers into the future.

So...without wanting to attract a bullet ( ;D ;D) here are some small developments of the statistics that hopefully add some very interesting conclusions....they certainly surprised me anyway !!!

From the 28 respondents, 23 used CHNLove......82%

Of those who used CHNLove, 17 were sucessful.......74%
Of those who used CHNLove, 6 were not sucessful.....26%

Of the 14 respondents (50%) who chose a different Introduction Agency
10 were sucessful.....72% were sucessful, 7% were not.

Two very surprising facts here....

Despite all the rhetoric and anger about CHNLove here (me included) .........74% of all respondents using them were able to find successs
Despite all the accolades for all the other Agencies (me included) the success rate was not much different...........71%

So in summary so far, we could say to newbies with some certainty....
" despite all the plusses and minuses, pros and cons of using any or every method to find your Chinese Princess, the success rate for any method is around 75% ish !!!"

And that is pretty good odds in any language !!!

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Philip on May 31, 2011, 06:07:45 pm
Hi guys,
sorry about the spelling of Chnlove. Yes, of course I meant Chnlove the agency, not China Love the forum. Guess I am congenitally incapable of using stupid abbreviations.
Neil, I could have made more options than 5, but I only realized that later. I could have said I was successful and unsuccessful after having used Chnlove, but chose the former, because I was ultimately successful. Maybe I could have added another option "I was successful, DESPITE using Chnlove". I could have checked that one too!
Of course there are lies, damned lies and statistics, and the former member Rhonald mentioned would have a field day with this survey. It may not be very scientific, but it does give a snapshot of where we all are, and just for that, it is interesting.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: maxx on May 31, 2011, 06:15:19 pm
Phillip I think the survey is a good idea.I went in and fixed the spelling for you.if you need me to add something more just let me know.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on May 31, 2011, 06:52:46 pm
After looking at the data a little I see a few things I think needs to be addressed.

1. The definition of success needs to be defined.  What do you consider the term of success to be?  That could be anywhere between asking her to marry you to marriage to filing for a visa to living together. 

2.  There are several men who no longer visit this site that their data would be important to this survey to both issues of success and failure.  Since I think it would really be uncouth to call them and ask maybe the old timers here can input their info which leads me to number 3.

3.  Data control.  I am not saying that men here would lie but you really don't want the data skewed.  Giving our info to the mods, like they don't have enough to do, and letting them do the input would allow for the data to have more integrity.

4.  We need to remember that we are no longer China Love but China Romance.    And Maxx sorry to say this but you missed one.  ;D

5. Regardless of what I say, Phillip this is a great idea going into the future with new people coming in all of the time.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on May 31, 2011, 07:19:27 pm
And being a CHINA Love topic, just like ordering from a Chinese menu, it is appropriate to have selections: one from column A & one from column B please  ::)
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: lfputman3 on May 31, 2011, 09:45:03 pm
Rhonald, Amen, I like the menu idea. As for past info, I have to add, it depends on who's story you want to quote. I know there are some who should not be included due to the disputed nature of what happened. Polling is supposed to be unbiased, but any political scientist or PoliSci major in any university with an ounce of integrity will tell you that is bull, because the pollsters tend to 'pick' their location. So I know I'm sounding like a pain in the you know what, but if they are no longer here, sorry, then I don't believe you should count them. If you want accuracy work with Irish to make sure each account can only vote on each poll only one time. That's all you you are supposed to get at the polls anyway.

Philip, thank you for clarifying. I was not trying to be nasty in anyway. I just felt that clarification was required. I cannot personally vote yet, because technically one of the girls at the agency office in Handan gave my contact information to my girl who is registered with that same agency. Such is life, oh well.

I believe that the agencies are similar to singles bars, with less chance of a quickie as a consolation, but no need for a buddy to jump a grenade either. I have been to bars where there are people who work there to get you drunk, most are not in North America. For the record, I do not count Mexico as North America, even if they technically are on the continent and are members of NAFTA.

Yes there are many options available. It depends on the individual and their temperament, attitude and whether or not they really are interesting to that lady on the other end. "No matter the method used"

With that being sad, I shall shut up now.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Scottish_Robbie on May 31, 2011, 10:24:20 pm
Another thing this brings to the fore...What about the female members, what site do / did they use and how successful were they? :o
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on May 31, 2011, 10:42:32 pm
Just to clarify, I knew he meant Chnlove BUT I have seen (or read) in other places where they do not understand there is a difference. Look at the Facebook wall page? So I thought it best to have it clear what the survey was about. Which by the way is a good idea. I think we had one before? Must be buried in the posts of the past somewhere.

We are still China Love (Shaun) the address was changed for technical reasons but I was never asked to change the banner so….

And the women don't use Chnlove Rob, men only. Well? at least they aren't suppose to. Ahem!
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Scottish_Robbie on June 01, 2011, 12:36:52 am
Of course they do mate,  they answer...well 'WE' think they do... :o ::) ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Sylvain D on June 01, 2011, 05:30:41 am
Hmm, I gotta have a questtion for all of you who replied here and who said if yes or no, ther stories via Chnlove was successfull.
In fact, when can man consider that his story via Chnlove was successfull? Once he's been married? but ... if man would divorce then 2 years later, what would then happen? Could man then say "oh non, it was unsuccessful"?
My 2 cents about it, but that's a point of view which maybe needs to be also determined.

About myself, I know that my story via Chnlove is successfull but also, thanks to the brotherhood here ! :)
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Philip on June 01, 2011, 06:36:49 am
We could argue till the cows come home about the finer points of the rather crude and simple tool that is this survey. If you want my real definition of success in a relationship it is that in 50 years time, I will still be as much in love with my wife as I am now. But I'm not waiting 50 years to complete this survey. So for the purposes of this simple survey, I would say that I have been successful because I got the girl after using Chnlove. If this is a million miles away from anyone else's definition, shoot me. Success can be quite subjective, so finding data from old members would not help. It's more important for people to vote if they feel they have been successful on their own terms. As I said before, it is just a snapshot, not an exact science. The menu idea sounds good. I don't know how to do it.
Is this a representative sample? Well the silent majority on this forum haven't spoken (yet). But the loud minority have. I assume they are mostly the same ones who do the posting and have had a wide spectrum of experiences with or without Chnlove. So it probably isn't a bad sample. If  nothing else, it starts to put a figure to the number of active members here. Willy thinks I am mad to hope for 100 responses. He is probably right. Maybe I should take some spread bets from people to say the final figure. 30-40? 40-50?
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Sylvain D on June 01, 2011, 06:56:35 am
I know that most of guys here found their love via Chnlove, that's also why that forum was created, explaing how it happened for each of us once meeting a chinese woman, whatever it could be successful or not.
Most of time, it is "always" the same ones who point, who post new threads and also, who reply. But well. maybe the best way to know if it would be succesful or not, would be to look over that thread? (


And then, maybe would man see how many stories were successful?
(and also, for who is with his chinese wife, man can know how it happened.... so...?)

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 01, 2011, 08:29:55 am
Who's your mate? (  is a list of successors reported. I try to keep it up to date? Some that divorced are out of the "success" list. But I think for the survey it best to use the success word as the lady was real. You met her and moved forward. Whether you were divorced later shouldn't make a difference for that wasn't part of the Chnlove experience but only your own.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Kiwi303 on June 01, 2011, 08:39:07 am
Phillip I think the survey is a good idea.I went in and fixed the spelling for you.if you need me to add something more just let me know.

well you could slip in another one...

X) Still communicating, but yet to meet.

I'm still on track to fly over in August, but while still communicating I haven't yet met the real girl or been stood up at the airport lobby by the agency mirage... so which one am I? Ok, I clicked "Used Chnlove" but USING is more accurate than USED currently...

Roll on August, my new passport arrived last week... Just the Visa and the Job to nail down, the Uni I had an offer from has said they have re-hired all their current FTs so I will not be needed after all, so time to look around again.
Title: Re: China Love - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on June 01, 2011, 10:14:45 am
I may resort to making pointless inane posts to keep this thread fresh and browbeat people into voting.

WOW I can certainly help you with that Phillip.  Just say the word!  The inane posts that is - forget the browbeating.

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 01, 2011, 03:20:17 pm
Wow.  I really didn't think I was brow beating.   :o

It is Phillip's survey and he can do as he wished with it.  I only offer suggestions and thought it might be helpful if he gave his definition of successful.  I was not trying to suggest that we should debate anything. 

I do differ in some opinions on this but from now on I will keep it to myself as I don't want to "brow-beat."

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: maxx on June 01, 2011, 05:53:00 pm
Just answear the questions.We don't need everybody opinion.Or everbodies critique of the survey questions.If you don't like the survey.You think it is to vague.Then start your own survey.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: maxx on June 01, 2011, 09:09:13 pm
Pineau are you a politician.You have taken a yes or no survey.And turned it into the great debate.And like always you are over thinking this.How could anybody be mislead.It is a simple survey.Did you or did you not use Chnlove.Did you or did you not have success.There is no reason for 3 pages of what everybody thinks Of the survey.And how one should go about measuring success.

If you want to tell your story after you have taken the survey.That is fine.If you want to answear the question.In a post that is fine.Just stop debating the finner points of the survey.All we are looking for here.Is some rough numbers.It doesn't have to be exact.This is not rocket science.And we are not changing the fate of the world here
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 01, 2011, 09:35:20 pm
OK.  I told myself that I would walk away from this and leave it alone.  Maxx and Gerry I think that the both of you should do the same thing.  For some silly reason some of the talk has hit a nerve with a few and it needs to stop.  It is Phillips survey and he can do with it as he wants.  I offered a few ideas and he said no.  So be it.  I'm not angry.  It is his survey.  Let him do it peacefully.

I'm  not against anyone on this thread and I understand how each person feels sort of.  I mean we all want to help but in this case I think it isn't needed.  If Phillip thinks he needs to define more or needs to change the criteria then let him do it.  Who knows he may have a purpose he doesn't want to reveal right now.  It's his choice.  Phillip I hope you aren't taking this like I am speaking down about what you are doing.  I do support what you are doing and have filled out the survey.

So let's stop getting our feelings hurt and let the author of this survey do it as he wished and we should support him in it.

Last as Maxx said if you want to do it differently then do your own survey. Please don't be offended by that statement. It is a valid one.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on June 01, 2011, 09:56:51 pm
Pineau are you a politician.You have taken a yes or no survey.And turned it into the great debate.And like always you are over thinking this.How could anybody be mislead.

Well ...... by checking out the shout box I can see he was holed up at the Hong Kong airport for 11 hours. Too much waiting around, lack off proper sleep, and estranged atmosphere can play with ones thoughts. So I guess we should just cut him some slack because of lack of sack time.

By the way Alex I enjoyed the survey and I think for a first go around it wasn't too bad; of course I also failed rocket science in school. I was told that I projectiled my thoughts to loudly.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: halfpint on June 03, 2011, 02:08:35 am
Hey, a little controversy is good for the site.  If we cant disagree once in a while, what's the point in sharing opinions.  We are all different. 
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on June 03, 2011, 07:18:54 am
We could argue till the cows come home about the finer points of the rather crude and simple tool that is this survey. If you want my real definition of success in a relationship it is that in 50 years time, I will still be as much in love with my wife as I am now.

That is a good criteria to woprk with.

I think that I can honestly say that in 50 years time I will definately not be in love with my wife.
Even 30 could be pushing it for me and one member reckons 10 years will be too long for me to be here on this earth.

Maybe someone can answer for the former members whose relationship went belly up!

And Shaun the brow beating was not directed at you. It was another inane comment made by me in response to Philips suggestion that he would browbeat people into completing the survey.


Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Martin on June 06, 2011, 01:58:21 am
Well, as a member whose relationship went belly up, I did not know what to put, since technically, I did have success with chnlove.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Clayton on June 06, 2011, 06:18:07 am
For my two bobs worth I'll say the survey was a good idea and that without Chnlove I would never have met my wife, having said that, there are thing i would do different if i had to go through it again, for instance, i would have done my research better, if i had known about this site it would have saved me time and money. Chnlove is a great place to start but in my opinion the sooner you use the likes of QQ the better, there is no doubt that communicating directly with a woman is far more personal than using someone else's words.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on June 06, 2011, 09:55:22 am
If I can say a few more words.  There are a great number of men out there who need Chnlove.  They are not really interested in travelling outside their own coutries let alone to China but they receive some sort of kick from receiving emails from attractive Chinese women-  Real or not.   Running my own agency with a partner for a while was testament to that and what they required from a lady. 

Also another member and myself tested out a mutual friend and we could not believe the lengths that this 73 year old  would go to obtain emails from a '26 year old' beauty that would not give the time of day in real life.  But even after explaining the pitfalls he was letting himself in for he is still looking for the impossible dream.

He did it for the fun, the pleasure, the kick, the sexual happiness or whatever bUT all in all the contact made him happy and still is with others.  How much it will cost him we will never know.

A lot of men pay ernormous prices to listen to a woman talking sex on the phone to him.  The phone calls ends, he has a huge bill and nothing else. At least with Chnlove he has a picture and emails to read and look at time and time again for his fistfull of Dollars.

Chnlove was a starting point for many of us. Not the finishing point.  It bought me to China in the first place and this week I complete 2 years here.

So I thank Chnlove for that.

We on this forum probably have more commitmnet to meeting a real Chinese women and there will be successes and failures.   (I talk only of the men as I have still never worked out why women want to be on here.) But let us not knock Chnlove too much. They play a great role for many.

We are a few but  there thousands that are willng to pay for a service that will never end in frution for them.


Ok Mr Chnlove I will be over for my paycheck next week.

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Scots_Robbie on June 06, 2011, 10:43:37 am
What Willy says is true and has a legititimate point...

As for myself 'HAD' it NOT been for finding Chnlove, I WOULD never HAVE BEEN OUTSIDE MY COUNTRY (WELL THE UK).
Many men are  'CONNED, and SCAMMED', of-course It's not right, but there are STILL ones who have suffered this, and THEY still persist to use Chnalove :o :o

And with our site, or without our site, this will continue.  Maybe Chnlove is an necessary evil...
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: maxx on June 06, 2011, 08:10:38 pm
I also think what Willy is saying is true.Chnlove has started allot of people on this journey
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Arnold on June 07, 2011, 02:46:05 pm
I also think what Willy is saying is true.Chnlove has started allot of people on this journey

I guess I'm the only one here .. where the 12 Girl Band send me off on this Journey to China . I must meet them in Person and thank them first hand for a Wife I'm stuck with now . ::)
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 07, 2011, 05:30:08 pm
While checking out something else I ran across the other survey started by my good friend Jim/abigbutt/dude. (
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 07, 2011, 06:49:52 pm
Funny Vince.  I remember that one vaguely.  Wonder what ever happen to Jim.  For that matter Chet and Don (rockycoon)?
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 07, 2011, 11:34:44 pm
Jim is in Vegas at home and on the Chnlove forum bad mouthing us and esp me. I don't miss him.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on June 07, 2011, 11:54:47 pm
Well I guess your profile picture is close - as a lightning rod (instead of a light house) you can only grin and bear it. If you just could harness the power it would be free energy for life.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 08, 2011, 07:00:38 pm
Vince.  I didn't know all of that.  I never go to the other forum.  No need.  No attraction.  Guess I out to check it out.  Something to ponder anyway.   Sorry to hear he is being that way.

I used to go but was disappointed by some of the things members of this forum would say along with others.  It reminded me of the days when I was a child and the my "dad can beat up your dad" syndrome.  So I stopped.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on June 08, 2011, 10:38:32 pm
It reminded me of the days when I was a child and the my "dad can beat up your dad"

Well my dad wasn't much of a Gardener so I think your dad can grow better beets then my dad! But no matter I still hate eating beets.

And your observation of the other site is spot on as some simple minded people tend to admire the mire that gets flung there. There are still some good postings so I do like to keep up with some journeys, but it amazes me how often this site gets brow beaten there when freedom of speech is actually pruned on both sites. A good garden needs pruning other wise the weeds will run amok. I just find we have more input here on the amount of pruning.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 08, 2011, 11:19:43 pm
No need to go there and check things out. Unless your looking for some amusement? I don't post there, I just read all the crap and I mean crap they post there. Rarely there is a post that is helping anyone. It's more of a bunch pounding there chests of who is better then the other. About once a month I get provoked to post a reply. Other then that? it's not worth going. Oh by the way that was my last post there. From now on he can rant and rave all he wants, I'm not answering.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Scots_Robbie on June 09, 2011, 08:27:06 am
Best way to be Vince...don't answer... :D
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 09, 2011, 11:27:51 am
Well just for grins I thought I would look.  Nothing has changed.  Still all of the same malfunctioning people there.  Maybe I shouldn't say that but good grief they need to get over whatever bug is up their $)(&# and move on.

My time there was a waste of time.  I have more to say but I going to think it through and maybe start another thread.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on June 10, 2011, 09:30:11 am
Well just for grins I thought I would look.  Nothing has changed.  Still all of the same malfunctioning people there.  Maybe I shouldn't say that but good grief they need to get over whatever bug is up their $)(&# and move on.

My time there was a waste of time.  I have more to say but I going to think it through and maybe start another thread.
Well I did try by starting a flaming thread but someone put the fire out.

Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 10, 2011, 09:41:46 am
Yes Willy that one did backfire on you.  It isn't a bad idea.

 I hope you realize that I didn't include with the malfunction gang.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Willy The Londoner on June 11, 2011, 07:51:34 am
Yes Willy that one did backfire on you.  It isn't a bad idea.

 I hope you realize that I didn't include with the malfunction gang.

I wonder who you did not include with them?

No worry my whole being is in malfunction mode. LOL ;D ;D

Because I am old Willy.


i have just seen the number of my posts.  Hope I do not get the 2YK syndrome that I heard about 11 years or more ago.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 11, 2011, 08:12:50 am
Willy, what are you ever talking about.  I've already said too much by saying there are malfunctioning people there.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 21, 2011, 10:32:26 am
Well I guess your profile picture is close - as a lightning rod (instead of a light house)

I just wanted to add why I have the Lighthouse picture? It happens to be the local lighthouse at of course Lighthouse Point. I thought of it as a symbol for the forum. As we run into rough waters (in relationships) there is a light beam you can follow to safety, (here). A little deep huh? (pun)
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on June 21, 2011, 03:14:55 pm
Pun?...... :o Whats a Pun?
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 21, 2011, 03:45:52 pm
For a man of many words as yourself, I would assume you know a Pun? Was that a pun?
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 21, 2011, 04:53:06 pm
Punny thing you should ask that question.  I don't give one quip what it is.  There is a paronamasia of things that could be said here.

A luminous beam of information that glimmers from the aurora of glistening luminescence that will continue to brighten the blaze of a lone shining lighthouse is what we are glossing over here.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 21, 2011, 05:00:24 pm
Man? Must have taken a few hours to look up those words?  ;D
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Rhonald on June 21, 2011, 06:37:47 pm
For a man of many words as yourself, I would assume you know a Pun? Was that a pun?

I am known at work as the Punisher, but my last reply, no pun intended, instead it was me being  I Ronic

And I guess Robert's reply gave us the long & short of it all.

But back to the survey - with 43 responses, I wonder if this also is a fair representation on how many current contributors we have for this website.

I am also a little surprised at how even the last two poll question are, as quite a few would use Chnlove again.
 ??? Now .... if I could just sell Chnlove the 2 for the price of one girl idea .....
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Scottish_Robbie on June 22, 2011, 07:19:46 am
Thought I would put this here to show that some dating sites work, and age has no limit. (
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Vince G on June 22, 2011, 08:22:33 am
With these 90 yo I think the field was narrowed a bit?
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: shaun on June 22, 2011, 08:32:28 am
Vince, that is what happens when I have to much time on my hands and a Thesaurus waiting to be listed on   I cheated.  But Rhon is still the master on it.

The people going for a second go at chnlove really doesn't surprise me.  They have the best pictures by far.  It appeals to our innermost desires.

I got lucky beauty and a good woman.
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: thender5 on July 14, 2011, 08:27:25 pm

Thanks for the effort.  I think the survey is useful.   But this site is more than helpful.  If I never used china love or any other again.  I would still hope to some how stay connected to this site.  My desire for a Chinese mate continues.  You are my brothers...

Thanks For you Contributions!
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: Arnold on July 14, 2011, 10:08:53 pm
We appreciate you staying of course with us and may do so til the end of time . Glad you decide to keep giving this a chance thender5 and not let it be the end of your search for a chinese Lady . Hope we can help you along anyway possible .
Title: Re: Chnlove - the survey
Post by: lfputman3 on July 15, 2011, 12:54:46 pm
ok, I finally took the survey, why finally, because. I am comfortable filling out the results. Even though we have not been to Shijiazhuang as of yet, as John (that'd be John1964) knows, we are going to Shijiazhuang. Getting pictures and planning the formal ceremony so that I can torture my dad by forcing his coffee swilling self to drink tea (YES! hahahahahaha ;D). Oh they joy of tormenting one's family.
