China Romance

All About China => Your trip to China => Topic started by: MLM on June 29, 2009, 06:18:37 pm

Title: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: MLM on June 29, 2009, 06:18:37 pm
Well guys, it seems Zhou's papa wants to talk to ME ( now what did I do ) , it seems that his son is around my age and has a daughter and can not have any more kids ( Med. reasons ), and there are no more males in the family, I have a 13 year old son, so we as a family are going, we leave on 7/6/09, I will be back on 7/18 or 20/09, Zhou, Lili and Kevin will stay until 8/28/09, we already have our Visas so now I am going to have to pay top $$ for airfair for 4 adults and then its off to just out side of Xiamen, Fujian, God how I hate this long trip to get there.
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: Rhonald on June 29, 2009, 06:25:09 pm
At least you shouldn't have to worry about a shotgun wedding. Best of luck for your journey.
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: maxx on June 29, 2009, 07:22:30 pm
Michael I thought your wife is pregnant? How far along is she?My wifes doctor told her not to be taking airplanes while pregnant.Something about the different preasure can make your wife have a misscarrage.
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: MLM on June 29, 2009, 07:55:35 pm
Yeah Maxx that is what I thought too but, her Doctor seems to think it will be okay, I don't know about him so we went to another one ( do you know how hard that was ), he looked at her records and said the same thing so, its off to China.
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: maxx on June 29, 2009, 07:57:47 pm
cool good luck
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: Sylvain D on June 30, 2009, 03:06:00 pm
Eheh, so, you're going to meet Zhou's father? ^^
I wish U all the best, Mister Michael, and wish to read news from you ;)
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: Peter on June 30, 2009, 03:16:56 pm
Have a nice trip Michael. I guess your son is about to be the next heir in the family :icon_biggrin:
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: MLM on June 30, 2009, 03:28:42 pm
Sylvain, I had met the entire family a few months ago when we were married,( has it really been that long ) now her Father wants to talk to me about family things there in China.

Peter, I think you and Zhou are correct in this matter, my father in law really likes my son, says he must be healthy as much as he eats LOL.

6 more days to go, I am being robbed, Northwestern just charged me $ 2101.00 per ticket for buisness class, first time going this class, is this price to high?
Zhou and the kids are packing like they are going there to stay, I think she would pack the kitchen sink if I let her and they are all acting like we are leaving tonight, this is worst then those car rides my parents used to hate to take when we were kids :icon_cheesygrin:
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: Sylvain D on June 30, 2009, 03:45:40 pm
you too much rich, Michael.... gimme me gimme me money :D

Oh, sorry for the lack I did ... :s
Well, if you already have met the entire family, it's almost a very good thing :) do you intend to have all your family there, in fact? :)
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: MLM on June 30, 2009, 05:42:22 pm
Sylvain, yeah the whole family is going, Zho, my son, her daughter ( our kids ), and myself, as I understand it, Baba will have his son and family there and himself so its a big meeting but he wants to talk to me in private first, I am not really sure what its all about but it must be important to him to have said and done ( he's 86 years old ).
 "you too much rich, Michael.... gimme me gimme me money "
:icon_cheesygrin: :icon_cheesygrin: thats funny
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: Agarn on June 30, 2009, 05:45:43 pm

Big mistake flying business class, you will never want to fly cattle class again, so it gonna cost!
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: MLM on June 30, 2009, 05:51:58 pm
Thank you Agarn, but where were you an hour ago, oh well live and learn, I guess I'll just have to grin :icon_cheesygrin: and bear it.
Title: RE: Being called to China by Baba
Post by: feisnik on August 19, 2009, 12:55:36 am
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='6932' dateline='1246317750'

Michael I thought your wife is pregnant? How far along is she?My wifes doctor told her not to be taking airplanes while pregnant.Something about the different preasure can make your wife have a misscarrage.

Exactly why Fei and I will not be returning to China until after our first child is born.