Author Topic: What to expect after marriage  (Read 13451 times)

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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2009, 07:39:20 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='7502' dateline='1246876629'

Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='7496' dateline='1246860875'

I keep telling myself .... it is for the best ... and there is something else planned which is BETTER !!! :)

There is alway a better plan with God.  Keep it in your prayers.  I'm glad things went well with your parents.  Welcome back. I will keep you in my prayers with all you have on your plate.


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #31 on: November 19, 2009, 04:38:44 pm »
i have found that it is absolutley the most rewarding experience
  one could have. i am fortunate as i live in China with my wife and
  would not trade it in for anything. yes sometimes we have the
  culture difference problem that doesnt last but 5 minutes but
  we learn from each other with me doing more of the learning as
 i live here. but it very rewarding to me to live and learn here as i
 am doing.  now if i could just get a grasp on the mandarin learning
 i would be absolutely over joyed as that is my problem now. i always
 tell my wife it is going to take me 20 years to learn and she laughs
 and says it will just all come together one day when you wake up
 still waiting for that in Guangzhou

Offline jeffm

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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2009, 09:33:41 pm »
This is an excellent thread, and will be helpful for me someday when I get to where you guys are.
Watch what people do not what they say


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2010, 10:58:21 am »
jeff it will come faster than you think


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2010, 12:35:18 am »
For a sucessful marrage beware the following...

1. Don't mess with her when she is cooking, don't add stuff...
2. Don't leave your skid marked shorts laying around the bedroom for her to pick up.
3. Don't flush the toilet while she is in the shower.
4. most important of all...put the toilet seat down after!
5. Don't "blow off" in bed

Just some thoughts, but all kidding aside, the best wishes to the both of you for a long and happy marrage.

I've been married before so I am well trained....ha
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 01:12:19 am by rockycoon »

Offline zook144

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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2010, 11:20:48 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='27825' dateline='1263112895'

Well if I do not let off wind first then she probably will.  What gets me going is that when we are in bed she will quietly let one go - then spit in the air and wait for my reaction when I dive my head under the covers to miss the spit!!!!  Only joking Darling:angel:


Willy, I must say,..."You do have the gift"!  You're a hoot.  I enjoy your posts and stories.

The Journey Is The Destination

Paul Todd

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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2010, 04:23:16 am »
This is from a western guy blogging about his marriage.

We have been looking to purchase a new car recently.
The car is for Ms B, who currently drives a car that has given us many problems.
My focus has been to find a model of car which is both stylish and safe. We have a 7 year old child after all so safety is a priority.
Ms B however is more interested in a status symbol. She has argued that many of her friends drive a Benz, so why shouldn't she.
We visited a dealership that had one car that I was ineterested in, and one that Ms B was interested in.
My choice was a modestly priced but stylish looking car with ample safety features, including full curtain air-bags.
Ms B however insisted on a very expensive and luxurious sports car, which I believe was not appropriate for a family of four.
The salesperson was of Chinese heritage, and he would obviously have made more commission if he sold us the sportscar.
Well, sensing the tension between Ms B and myself over what style of car we should purchase, he began addressing my concerns over safety.
He said the following to me:
"We Chinese believe in fate. If you are destined to get hurt or killed in a car accident, then you cannot avoid this. This is your fate. Whatever car you choose will not change your fate, so why not choose the luxurious car and enjoy life." :icon_cheesygrin:
Ms B immediately latched on to this comment and pushed for us to purchase the luxurious car there and then.
I told them both that I did not accept that line of thinking, and would not put my family in a car that was designed for speed. In particular I would not agree to placing our son in a car that was designed primarily for two people, with compromised back seating.
Ms B was very upset with me.
This belief in fate, which I am sure provides some form of relief for people who have experienced tragedy in their lives, was really not an appropriate way to view the purchase of an sportscar. In my way of thinking it was merely an excuse to be reckless in one's decision making.
Anyway, we ended up buying the modest model car, despite fierce resistance from Ms B and her mother. They even co-opted my son to argue for the sportscar.
However I felt it was sensible under the circumstances to purchase a family car, not a sports car, and I purchased a few extra safety features to boot.
To appease Ms B I also purchased some luxury additions for the car, including in-built GPS, in-built phone, window tinting, better stereo system, nicer wheels and a special paint job. In fact I was happy to purchase whatever luxurious features Ms B wanted, as long as the safety of the vehicle was not compromised.
Now to be fair, the car actually looks great, and could even pass for a very expensive label car.
But Ms B is still upset with me. You see she wanted to tell people that she owns a Mercedes Benz. It was not the car so much that she wanted but what it represented.
This emphasis on "labels" dogs us time and again. Both Ms B and her mother have an unrelenting desire to telegraph their status to the world by purchasing products that are for the most part no different than cheaper versions, but for their label.
It seems that even a pair of shoes cannot escape this kind of scrutiny.
Anyway after about a week of getting the silent treatment from Ms B, I sat her down last night and told her that it was her destiny to get a smart looking, stylish family car, and no amount of sulking will change this.
Hopefully we can leave this chapter behind now and move on with more important things in life.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 04:24:01 am by Paul Todd »


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2010, 03:41:25 am »
wow thats an interesting dilema that i wouldnt want to be in
glad my wife isnt like that

Offline odysseus007

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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2010, 05:03:28 am »
Quote from: 'Paul Todd' pid='28119' dateline='1263374596'
This is from a western guy blogging about his marriage.

I find  that a lot in the bigger, more "advanced" cities. Keeping up with the Joneses. Too much of this designer-branding women here in Singapore, and also in Beijing, Shanghai etc. The smart ones will just go buy one of the ubiquitous ripoffs which China is famous for. I suppose they don't yet make Benzes? If that were me, I would have just bought her the Benz LOGO with the tristar in a circle & stuck that on the car, hahaha.... and if she sulks, well she can GO SPEND HER HARD EARNED money to buy herself one. Good luck with that. Women are very good at spending OUR money.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 08:14:34 am by Vince G »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2010, 06:47:11 am »
sounds like he probably puts up with a lot from her and mom:-/


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2010, 08:43:55 pm »
This thread is an interesting and eye opening read so far. Thanks guys, even though I am light years away from it being relevant to my life, lol.


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2010, 11:15:06 pm »
Wow, your scareing me, it sounds like she is westernized to the max.  How can he afford her I wonder, and to live with the
mother-in-law also?  My heart goes out to him...
But where are they driving?  if its in the US, then the air bags are a must, unless he bought a sububan tank, that was dent proof.  Got
to think of the child she will be carrying in that car.  Almost sounds like his really henpecked by both mom and wife and now kid.
And look at all the extra's he had to buy just to make them happy and she still gives him the cold shoulder...Be scared, very scared...


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2010, 09:40:08 am »
This is exactly what to expect if your fool enough to marry a ''Chinese Princess''
She didn't suddenly become like this, so he knew what he was letting himself in for, long before getting married and having a family with her!!

So be warned you Guy's, if your lady is of the younger variety and has that tendency of self first, self second, and self third (and anything else that's going) Run like hell, because your never going to have a decent bank balance ever again... hahaha!!!



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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2010, 12:16:53 pm »
What bank balance ?  He's headed straight for the poor house...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: What to expect after marriage
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2010, 01:17:18 pm »
Exactly, .....and Beyond!!!!!
