Maybe it is time to revamp the site.
As it is a free site then I wonder how money can be forthcoming to have SEO's working on it. Bearing in mind a lot of the SEO offering their service are on the same lines as dating scammers. Getting the opening page is right, some people overdo the number of words in the hidden headings but 25 well scripted phrases is best. And these same words need to be in the opening page and or other pages.
What is needed is an opening page that leads to the revamped forum.
I think Gerry is right in one way, the site needs to be more active. Blogs are a good way as long as they are updated regularly. The major search engines love finding updated items. Going back to Facebook and utilising what is there is another and also Twitter.
After seeing that the other chnlove forum goes a couple of weeks sometime without any new entries then I came to the conclusion that Finding a Chinese wife was no longer what it used to be. I even stopped posting controversial items that were only designed to get some activity on here.
Maybe it is time to revamp the mods as well. Even the US President only gets 4 years unless her is re-elected for a second term.
It is noted that now, with the departure of the esteemed Global Moderator, there are now only two mods who visit regularly. From the record available it showsthe other was last active nearly two months ago.
Maybe two mods and the administrator is all we need at this time.
Maybe we should rename the site and open it to all who are looking for a foreign wife. A lot of the info that we available from our own experiences would be suitable in many cases to relationships with other than just chinese ladies. I do know that some on here have given up on finding a Chinese Wife and have gone to other countries to fulfill their needs.
The UK has now opened it borders to nearly 30 European countries now, that has made marriages a lot easier but no doubt the persons from the EU countries need green cards for the USA etc.
My vote would be to open the forum to men looking to marry a foreign wife. Period. There are now many years experience in terms of marriage years amongst us. Ok but lets glean then info from others who have or are looking to other countries. I am sure that the experience of Robertt is not just restricted to US/chinese relationships.
The choice really is simple. Revamp the forum or let it suffer a lingering death.
Let us have some positive ideas come in.