Great thread, thank you for sharing.
Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorite musicals, second only to Les Miserables. One of Sir A.L. Webbers best pieces. ( he was knighted wasn't he?) It is very fitting to this thread also, as from my understanding, that Webber wrote that to showcase Sara Brightman's voice when they were still in the courtship phase of their relationship. Brightman is one of my favorite female singers.
The other topic, the Osmunds, with Marie in particular. I had the biggest crush on her in middle school. A few years ago I was able to enjoy a free concert that she was featured in during the winter concert series that the Air Force Band presents at Constitution Hall here in Washington. I went with a friend and his girl. When Marie came out to sing and dance my friends girl leaned over and whispered; "You know that's not her real hair?" I whispered back; "I am sure though that those ARE her legs!"
I'm sure that if we all put our heads together we could write a TONY nominated show. China Love: the Musical. With the drama, passion, I know we would only have to write a few bridging story lines to make it a very enjoyable show.