All is well at the end of the road.
Fiona has 3 more years left to guarantee her social security benefits. She misses Guangzhou food but is loving the USA.
Katie is still attending community college. She hasn't finished college yet and has landed a job with JBS (world's largest meat provider). Her first big girl job... Her title is international Documentation Coordinator. She interviewed for a clerk position but when they learned she is fluent in three languages they created this position just for her. That's her discovering my red V-star.
I'm still retired but taking odd jobs now and then to get extra money to fund my hobbies. Still refurbishing old motorcycles. I got a second V-star to keep my first one company. I got really fat over the last couple years so last year I started a low carb-high fat diet. I lost 70 pounds and I am at the recommended weight for my height. Now if I can just keep it off with Thanksgiving and turkey& dressing, pies and such just around the corner.