Chad, you knew you had to let her go.. before you even ask us here. We all seen your "happier" time from your Posts, of course seeing you (anyone) fail or loosing someone so close to your heart... is not even easy on us to read. Letting it out though, was your first step for recovery. We appreciate the trust you had in us, to even mention this with the Brotherhood. As you have said, you could never trust Toni again... what she did is even more hurtful then being un-faithful by a bad decision. Heck, "Trust" is as powerful as "Love" itself and guess she hasn't fully shown any of that throughout the relationship, unless of course something was "Needed". We here have enough of those Women as you know. Lesson learned, now you have/need the patience and find yourself the wonderful Partner everyone seeks. Ohh.. and keep your Money tightly tugged away this time.