Author Topic: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied  (Read 1339 times)

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Offline Robertt S

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New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« on: October 29, 2014, 08:18:25 am »
The New York City doctor who became infected with the Ebola virus last week initially lied to health officials about his movements around the city after he returned from treating victims of the disease in West Africa, according to a published report.
The New York Post, citing law enforcement sources, reported that Dr. Craig Spencer initially told investigators that he had self-quarantined in his Harlem apartment. According to the paper, Spencer's story fell apart after investigators checked his credit-card statement and information from his Metrocard.
Spencer, 33, returned to New York from Guinea on Oct. 17 and was rushed to Bellevue Hospital Center on the morning of Oct. 23 with fatigue, nausea, and a 100-degree fever. In the intervening period, he traveled on three of the city's most heavily-trafficked subway lines, visited the High Line park and a Greenwich Village restaurant in lower Manhattan, and went for a three-mile run before going bowling at an alley in Brooklyn the day before he was hospitalized.
Spencer didn't admit the extent of his travels until a New York police officer "got on the phone and had to relay questions to him through the Health Department," the Post quoted a source as saying.
The doctor had spent the month prior to his return treating people with the deadly virus as a volunteer for Doctors Without Borders in West Africa. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that Spencer's condition remains serious but stable. No infection has been found in his fiancee but she remains under quarantine at the couple's Harlem home. No one else has been reported as infected, and city health officials said New Yorkers should not be alarmed about contracting the disease.
More than 4,900 Ebola deaths have been reported this year during the current epidemic, nearly all of them in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

This is the reason I have been for a complete travel ban from this region to the US. Our ignorant leader apparently thinks he is a scientist as well as a race monger. This entire situation is being handled as a political event and his refusal to protect the interests and health of US citizens inside the US borders should be enough of a reason to finally convince every left leaning individual that they have elected a complete fool to represent their interests. The president wants us to rely on the honor system for people returning from Ebola ridden countries. We have had two individuals so far to abuse the honor system and also the visa system to enter the country. Now he is toying with the idea of bringing infected non-citizens here for treatment in the US. This guy is so far out of touch with reality it is unreal, I honestly believe he will sacrifice American lives here in the States just to maintain his party's open border policy. I applaud Australia's decision to take decisive action to protect their citizens, maybe the socialist occupying our government seats could get a few pointers from the Australian government in how to serve the people whose taxes they rely on. Unless things change drastically in the coming months I worry about what social and civil unrest will occur. I believe the American people are pretty much feed up having immigrants and leftist save the world policies shoved down our throats. If these immigrants don't like the culture and laws that have been here since our founding days Fine, stay where the hell you are now! Don't come over here expecting me to change to so you feel more at home in my country, if you want to feel more at home, then stay in your homeland. I imagine that Jimmy Carter can finally rest now knowing that he wasn't the worst president ever to sit in the white house. I think more people should look ahead to what their children and grandchildren will be facing if the current trends continue. The future is looking very dismal based on the direction politics is heading now. I think there should be term limits for ALL public offices and ALL campaign donations must come from individuals with donation limits capped at 500 dollars. I would also change many of the out-dated immigration laws and policies beginning with the born on US soil birthright. That one policy there is abused beyond description. I would also change the voting age to 21 with a military exemption, require a photo ID for voting since an ID is required for almost everything else in the USA. I would like to see a requirement that requires a person has paid income taxes in the 2 years prior to an election with exemptions for indigents, and those unable physically to work. I did not include mentally able to work because if they don't have enough sense to work and decide how to handle their own resources I sure the hell don't want them helping to decide how my taxes are used. I also think students should only be allowed to vote if they are self-sufficient and not living on daddy's money.  Sorry for the long rant! I am just sick of politicians and die-hard save the world liberals running this country into the ground due to self-interest and third world welfare allotments.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 08:57:20 pm by Willy The Londoner »

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 08:50:36 am »
I think that this post was getting a bit too political on a one side basis and as some of the quotes within it are certainly not in the interest of those of us who live in China so I locked it.

But on reflection then maybe it will be better for all if I reversed that decision and reopened it as I am sure that many will have a lot to say on this matter.

So it is now open again with a couple of deletions.


PS It might be long but it would be much easier to read if you put it into paragraphs!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 09:17:34 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 01:56:09 am »
Hi Willy,
like you, I fail to see the connection between political stories in the U.S. and relationships with women in China. I am sure there are plenty of other forums for those kind of discussions.
While I applaud you for attempting to move the forum back to its original purpose, with your 2nd home thread, I don't feel much inclined to share my stories of living in China here anymore. Any casual visitor to this forum would probably be confused or bemused at the non-Chinese-related content present a lot of the time. I thought that the purpose of this forum was for guys from all over the world to share their stories about relationships with Chinese women, not for a few guys, mostly from the U.S., to reproduce articles about U.S. politics, immigration policies, and terrorism. Hell, there isn't even any action on the religious thread to relieve the U.S. politics-centric monotony!
Maybe I'm on my own in not thinking here is the place for preaching politics, but judging by the notable absences from this forum from some of the old faithfuls recently, perhaps I'm not alone.

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 02:27:58 am »
I am with you there Philip. 

I certainly feel that there is more mileage in this Forum if maybe it widens its ambit to cover not just relationships but for those moving to China to work or even to visit as an independent traveller, (that is rather than one  on a package tour).

As you say there is far too much on here about things in America that have no relation to China at all and this particular thread is just one of many in recent months.

There is a lot of experience here in current and past contributors who have travelled to many various places in China and who could pass these experiences on.

OK we have a lot of info within the various threads on this forum but things change and what was current information when they were submitted some time ago may well not be correct in the present time.

I for one would welcome the return of some that are no longer contributing, whether it be the odd quip or something relevant to China.

I would like the name changed to something like China - Living and Relationships and then find a new URL that does away with the romance in the current URL.

Many men have taken their wife's to their own countries. Apart from one or two postings there has been very little on how the wife's have got on in their new country of domicile.  I am sure that this would be of interest to not only those waiting for their wife to join them but also to a wider audience.  What groups are there in the new city that would interest them. Any pictures.

I can also see Joe's reason for trying to liven up this forum a few days ago. Ok maybe his words were not in order but neither were some of the replies posted in. At least his posting had a Chinese connotation to it!


Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Robertt S

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 06:53:26 am »
Willy, Joe's last post on this forum was basically a personal attack directed at me and my management of this site after he had gotten good and soused. Anyone who has ever read more than one of Joe's post can see right away that Joe does not like Yanks and looks down on them. He was basically here to gloat over one of his behind the scene moves over 2 years ago and sing the blues because his boyfriend China Mike got booted off this site for exactly the same manner of posting. I personally believe Joe is still harboring a good case of colonial butt-hurt thus his feelings towards Americans in general. I pasted the story to give a background for others who do not understand  why I was angry with my government. I also posted this rant in the board created for such posts in an attempt to liven up this forum since many of the members quit posting after their wives arrive since they no longer need our services. You are right about more mileage left in this forum and I am currently looking at other sites to see what they do to maintain members and keep their sites interesting. This site has to widen its areas of discussion to more than one country to enable us to attract members who are dating women from other Asian countries as well.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 07:10:08 am by Robertt S »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 09:06:36 pm »
My own opinion is that we should move away a bit from being just a romance forum.   

There are not many men looking to date and marry foreigners from Asia.  That might be due to forums like this where the pitfalls and drawbacks in trying to get the wives into their own countries have been well documented and that coupled with the western worlds economic position,  could be off putting to anyone thinking of starting.

That is why I think that this should be more to do with other aspect of life and not just romance.  This forum was opened up to romance in the Phillipines many months ago and in that time has there been one entry other than from Martin who has made the transition for China to that country.

This forum will die a natural death if left to just romance.  The agencies that operate attached to China Love are no longer keen to pay the price as they are now concentrating on Chinese to Chinese liasions and by passing foreigners.   Those men I meet when travelling through Hong Kong airport nowadays are not interested in romance they go on to asian countries with one thing in mind, SEX.

There are more than a million foreigners living and working in China and we should be looking to them to increase the general knowledge.

What do others think?  Maybe I am in a minority but I say drop the Love from our title and widen the asperations to Living, Loving and Labouring (as in working).

As for 'Joe's attack' I have no idea of his motives but I found a few years ago that ranting on a a pseudo anti american program was a good way of making this forum more lively. ;D

Can I make a suggestion as to postings. They are much easier to read and take in the contents off if they are spaced out in paragraphs for different aspects of a posting.  This was something that China Shark was never able to accomplish and how anyone got through some of his long diatribes amazed me. ;)


« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 09:14:10 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2014, 11:14:39 am »
I am in Hangzhou for a week now. With my wife Jing. Maybe not an odd situation, my observations. People do get on very well
with others in China. I mean with all the multitudes in Beijing & now Hangzhou, the people get along famously well. The people are great!
Maye not weird, as most of us know, is that the internet here sucks. The censorship  sucks. I feel a heluva freer & safer on the streets here
than anywhere in America. The odd thing I can't freely communicate the world beyond shouting distance.

I think a few people here take themselves a bit too serious. The 'sanitizing' this site has gone through is troublesome. We do not have
perfect cookie cutter citizen members. So what if a member suffers a diatribe. What is actually being said is that there is something very
wrong. That by itself stirs into play the life of being.

ChnRomance is something way off into some tangency of meaningless whatever. It kind of lost its soul...not just its way.
What it does not need is censorship

Offline Robertt S

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Re: New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2014, 12:23:42 pm »
Enjoy your visit John!  Nice pic also.