My wife has a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I have a degree in Chemical Engineering. In terms of intrinsic knowlege and instinctive understanding of our subjects, we are not on the same Planet.
Ming can qote (literally) page after page of numerous text books, in face she can probably quote from memory every text book she ever needed to graduate. But.......step outside this narrow arc and she flounders. There seems to be very little attention given in her education to the ability to think and puzzle through situations that are outside of the text books but within her sphere of activity.
She is now doing a Diploma in Early Childhood Education (on the way to being a Teacher) and her "traditional Chinese" learning practice wont work. Now she is expected to "think outside the square" as she works through the assignments. She has immense difficulty with this, its not in her mental portfolio.
I have no doubts whatsoever over her IQ, she is as clever as she needs to be...and of course she is as street smart as any chinese woman...and just as feisty
but she has never been trained to think.....
I am sure that the Chinese Education system turns out millions of graduates each year....but in Aus, a Chinese Bachelor Degree is assessed as year 1 University level when submitted to the Official assessors (this is mandatory for entry to Aus University.)
I reckon this is why so many Chinese kids are flogging themselves with education activity 24/7...its not that they are stupid and have to work mega-hard to compete, rather that they are required to memorise so much crap to stay at the top. Pity such effort could not be better directed to more appropriate learning skills...not just rote.