Author Topic: Shanghai EXPO 2010  (Read 1329 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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Shanghai EXPO 2010
« on: August 07, 2009, 02:05:39 am »
About Shanghai 2010 :
Duration: 1 May 2010 to 31 October 2010
Location: Both sides of the Huangpu River between the Lupu Bridge and the bridge Nanpu
Theme: Better City, Better Life
Objective: To attract the participation of 70 million visitors, 200 participants
Cost : between 21 up to 27 $ approximatively, billets can be bought since July, 1st, 2009

More infos on :

Enjoy :)
« Last Edit: August 07, 2009, 02:05:53 am by Sylvain D »
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