Author Topic: Nice anti-scam site  (Read 10372 times)

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Vince G

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2010, 04:58:27 pm »
Gentlemen, Chnlove and other sites are ripping off newbies left right and centre, so stop moaning about me and give the newbies some decent advice.

For a writer you haven't made this little statement clear, "give the newbies some decent advice". Does that mean we don't? One thing this forum does let us post each persons story good or bad. Which means it may be a one sided story but still is leaned with the truth. There is no better advice then that.

In your first paragraph you said, "some found" and "everyone here is in the minority"? I keep a list "Who's Your Mate" Tell me again the minority?

The real minority is the same four guys writing posting on every forum that Chnlove is a scam. Chnlove has their faults and I am not saying there aren't scams going on. But all the sites do. The game is make money isn't it? The same four guys that post under different names at the same site to make it appear there are more then there is are the fake, lying, deceiving guys not giving decent advice.   

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2010, 06:47:19 pm »
I've never been out to troll anyone though, it's not my style. Remember though that I am a writer, and a good writer provokes discussion.

Gentlemen, Chnlove and other sites are ripping off newbies left right and centre, so stop moaning about me and give the newbies some decent advice.

Brett, you're right... you're not a troll... but you are fishing for things.  I've been trying to hold off commenting on your posts, but every once in a while, I find that nearly impossible to do.  So where to begin this time...

The site...  Have you done ANY due diligence before you put any faith in this site?  Cripes man... take a look at the site...

1) Follow HIS regulations?  WHAT? He's not a trade association (never mind a government body or even the owner of any of these sites)... he's just ONE web site... and some of those regulations... must reply to his and not argue?  How's he going to prove that profiles are stolen or not...  hidden costs... etc.
2) Official profanity ... Ok, so he's got "regulations" that the "good" sites must follow... then he uses profanity... That's REALLY professional... never mind looking into some of the "why are they on the blacklists"
3) Notice his "sanctioned" list (those of "Gold" and "White") ... if any of them have an affiliate program, he's on it... so what's he trying to do?  prevent scams or make money?  He seems to be pushing a lot... and "A Foreign Affair"... Just in case you can't figure this one out... if he belongs to the affiliate program of ANY agency site, you can NO LONGER be considered a person without bias... ESEPCIALLY if you're promoting ones where you are an affiliate... How does a person know if that site is really a good site...
4) That list at the bottom... hrm... trying to trigger a spider?  That's all that those things do...

I couldn't find the testimonials that you guys were talking about (are you talking about the forums?) but that site already set me on edge...

Now... onto the other part... you (Brett) ... You're fishing for sympathy and justification here... you really are.  When given advice, you spurned it... when you were burned, you refuse to take any responsibility... and now, at every opportunity, you feel justified in trying to slag everyone you think is responsible for that burn... all I can say is MOVE ON ALREADY!  I'm sure Ms. Wu was at fault for part of your relationship, but you are as well... and you can't seem to move past her as well... you try a new thing and when it doesn't work out, you go back to blaming others...  How many posts have we seen from you about this?  There is a regular pattern to this...

I might get in trouble for this post, but to be honest, I'm sick of your sob story.  I'd rather you go back to your "money making internet businesses" and your "postings" on other sites more receptive to your tales of woe... here, with your credibility, at best, you are a source for comic relief...

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Offline Jason B

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2010, 07:55:34 pm »
Does this mean that I have been scammed........she sure looks real to me.

I met a girl and now the rest is up to me/us to make the relationship work, I have read the fine print and nowhere did I read that  CHNLOVE would be there to give me advice on how to make a relationship work.

I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2010, 09:46:19 pm »
yes Jason you have been scammed. when you leave she morfs back into the woman she really is. its all
part of the elaborate scheme that chnlove has managed to precure to deceive all men    lol!!!!!!!!!!!

all kidding aside it just seems like Brett was more taken with ms wu than she was of him and it didnt
work and now he is bitter and cant seem to get over the hump and move on. and now this will effect
everything he does from this point on

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2010, 02:54:48 am »
Dating website created fake profilesAAP
July 22, 2010, 2:56 pm

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The operator of dating website Red Hot Pie has been ordered by the federal court to disclose to its users that it operated 1,371 of its own profiles on the website.

The federal court found that Jetplace created fake profiles to send "flirts" and messages to users.

The court declared that Jetplace contravened the Trade Practices Act 1974 by engaging in misleading conduct and by representing that membership of the website had benefits that it did not have.

The court also declared that Jetplace directors Maxwell James McGuire and Mark Semaan were aware of the offending conduct.

Jetplace has been ordered to publish a corrective notice when each user of the website who registered between December 2004 and November 26, 2008 next logs on, and to send a copy of the notice to the email address of each user.

Users can also apply for refunds if they can demonstrate that they were misled by the conduct into paying for membership of the website.

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) chairman Graeme Samuel said the website operators had a legal responsibility to ensure the information they placed on the website was accurate.

"Had this conduct occurred after the introduction of the new Australian Consumer Law, it is likely the ACCC would have sought from the court civil pecuniary penalties," he said.

"Such penalties can be up to $1.1 million for companies and $220,000 for individuals."

Mr McGuire said the 1,371 profiles were created over a four-year period for the User Security Suite and only "a small number" of those profiles were active at any given time.

"This part of the Red Hot Pie User Security Suite was voluntarily deactivated in November 2008 following the identification of the ACCC's concerns," he said.

"This part of the site's User Security Suite would have been of minimal inconvenience to bona fide members of the site, and most will not have been aware of its existence or its passing."

just a small bit of information .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2010, 04:15:09 am »
interesting read wonder if it would work for independant offices like Changsha love bridge????


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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2010, 05:39:23 am »
Interesting article Robert. It would be nice to see Chnlove challenged in this way, but being Hong Kong based they're largely out of reach from our authorities.

All I will say is Chnlove has many more beautiful ladies than on any other dating site I've tried, which is fairly suspicious in itself. How many are real ladies? We really have no way of telling.

My lady did actually exist which is good as going all that way to meet a lady who didn't exist would have been very irritating. On the downside she was just another lady looking for a green card. There's more to her story which I haven't yet discovered, but she certainly seems very anxious to move her family out of China for some reason.

I like the idea of finding a wife based on personal recommendation, so I am building up my contacts in Asia in the hope that someone knows somebody nice and genuine  :).

Offline Martin

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2010, 05:45:15 am »
So you are speculating that because they have many women listed, that they are a scam?  That is a weak argument.

And as for Miss Wu, If she is a green card chaser also does not make chnlove a scam. It only makes her look questionable.


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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2010, 06:34:11 am »
You know this morning I don't want to be rude or anything but Brett I just had a thought.  If Ms. Wu had been a green card chaser don't you think she would have been more than happy to put up with your crap?  If memory serves me correctly, and I am not about to go back and re-read your adventure, your largest complaint other than the fact that we were bugging your for her first name, was she seemed disinterested in you.

So I am having a hard time trying to understand this green card chaser issue.  I don't think wanting to bring her parents with her qualifies her or that she wanted to get married in England qualifies her either.

You really ought to re-read what mustfocus said 10 to 20 times and take it to heart.  I really think he hit the nail on the head.

Paul Todd

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2010, 06:38:54 am »
I'm currently looking for a lady in my own country......... May 24

Korean ladies are nice - there's one I might write to. I have 20 ladies I need to sort through at the weekend.

I'm shortlisting Japanese ladies, they are all alpha females so hopefully I won't need to work much anyway.

I'll second the motion that guys are better off on Chinese Love Links.

He did have good things to say about Filipina ladies, so maybe this is a route worth considering.

As to me I'm still pursuing the Japanese route.

I am building up my contacts in Asia in the hope that someone knows somebody nice and genuine.... July 22

Brett, no wonder I'm confused as to exactly what your up too, these post where all in the last 8 weeks! You seem to be all over the place! I think maybe you would do better to concentrate your efforts instead of posting dubious "anti -scam sites" owed by a bloke called Elena. 

I do wish you every success but is this the way to go about it? are you serious or just playing at it?


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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2010, 07:01:36 pm »

I noticed this about Brett BEFORE I went to qingdao in NOVEMBER...hahaha


" You really ought to re-read what mustfocus said 10 to 20 times and take it to heart. "

Hahahaha nice one

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2010, 09:13:07 pm »
Wow!  Didn't really expect that kind of response.  8)

Seriously though, it's rare that only one person in a relationship is the only one at fault when it falls apart.   I just wish Brett would realise this and move on.  He may be a nice guy offline (I don't know... but I can hope so)... but until he learns to let go, I think he's going to ruin his next relationship.

Ah well... I can try to be optimistic.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Jason B

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2010, 10:35:19 pm »
... but until he learns to let go, I think he's going to ruin his next relationship.

Well said, is this not what everyone does after a relationship?  I did anyway.  Questions like...what went wrong, what did I learn, if in the same situation again how would I react?  There is probably thousands more and I bet everyone has their own.  But the crux is if you sit there and procrastinate over everything you will get no where and it will effect every decision you make from that point on until you learn to let go.

Just my thought on how I decided to make my life better.  And look what happened to me.........
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.


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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2010, 12:33:41 am »
its been said many times  "JUST LET IT GO"  very simple solution

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Re: Nice anti-scam site
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2010, 01:26:11 pm »
Just some advice on the topic which some people will find useful. If you are in doubt of a websites sincerity there are simple ways to check. In my line of work we harvest and collect information globally (trust me not manually) about all registered domain names. If a domain name becomes subject for complaints repeatedly this information gets added to a centralised database. This is a complex system and it works in conjunction with firewalls, proxys etc to automatically block connection to these sites. Or for an example give the user a warning first that visiting this site is not recommended due to several reports of scam, fraud attempts, Hosting malware  etc.  Such system is costly but some consumer security products have them integrated nowadays. But you can manually check the site if its been reported for anything related to cybercrime. A very good source to do so is:

Its not #1 in the world but its one of the better and its free to check. does come out clean there,  But didnt on the system im behind right now which i just "borrow" from an old client who payed heaps for it (its also blocked by Vipre Enterprise).  Got warning since yesterday that domain is listed uncer Cybercrime for SCAM. It havent complained earlier. It started just yesterday so probably the threshold for how many complaints or reports have been filed against the registrar has just gone over. You can submit domains for analysis to the above also if you are suspicious and they will do thorough checks. For you who lives in China now, whenever u use your computer u are immediate subjects for being potential labrats. 80% of all malicious sourcecode originates from Ukraine, Russia and China. You wont know if u caught it, and ur not meant to either. Normal commercial security products are defenseless against it. Its purpose inside your computer could be one of many but they are written to not make any "noise" to arouse suspicion. If you have any concerns just PM me, its been my profession for long and i´ll gladly help. Im gonna have alot of fun when i jack in over there i suspect.  Most clients i have worked for actually block the whole IP range assigned for China, Russia, Ukraine and Brazil to minimize the risk of being exposed, or making stealth trojans harmless because they cant connect back to their control center.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"
