After reading all the replies.....I wonder if some have lost sight of the reason this idea came into being......The idea was to build a site that was to get around bad sites, that have lost sight of the reason we are all here, that being to meet the lady of our dreams, and to be able to do that without being taken advantage of, and being ripped off by bad sites, and game players......After starting my own bussiness three times, and building a sucessful bussiness, only to be sucessful enough to have my competition want to buy my company, all three times......I have found if you give the customer what they look for, honest service, and a fair price, you will be a profitable company.....You might want to remember what brought this idea to be......If you open a site based only with the idea of making money,then you will end up with a site just like all the rest.....Only looking to make money off of others, like you and me.....If this site is built to do what we all want, then we can make a site that will allow others to meet their dream Lady and still pay the bills of the site....And if it is built on a solid foundation of being honest, and sincere, with all clients, then you can be sucessful, and make money.....I for one would be intrested in investing in a site like this, and more than willing to move to China, to open a office serving only this new site......Money, will not buy you the happiness, you will get from being able to help two people to find the right one.......If the site will pay the bills, and allow the office to pay the employees in that office, and a salary of somekind for the manager of that office, then the site will grow, and be a sucess.....If making money is the only reason to do this, then maybe everyone should rethink what the pourpose of the site is.....