Author Topic: From the Passport up.  (Read 6525 times)

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2009, 10:22:01 am »
we are all in trouble then

Offline Buzz

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2009, 02:06:10 pm »
For those who have yet to file with Homeland Security and are planning a trip to China. Take at least 4 forms of the G-325 A, Biographic Information document.  You need 4 original forms with her original signature.  This can not be e-mailed.  It takes the snail mail. So to cut a months time, take the form, have her sign 4 copies, bring them back, have the lawyer fill out the necessary information, and you have saved a months wait time.  Sorry Scott, found this out to late to help you and I.  So all you February travelers, take the forms and save time.  


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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2009, 05:08:49 pm »

What do you need to know about me then??

As for living in Exile, I suppose for much the same reasons as you are complaining about th US. Just got fed-up with being shafted at every turn back in the UK. That and the fact that my late wife loved the place. We had the house built about 12 years ago to our own design and always planned to retire here eventually.

I was in China last year, this time last year in fact. Basically to buy another property that the father-in-law advised us about....  Lucy however has been back 3 times, mainly on business.



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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2009, 09:49:41 pm »

Just kidding man.



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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2009, 03:24:51 pm »

I didn't take it any other way Shaun....  lol!!

I would have liked to have stayed much longer in China on that visit, but had far too many obligations to deal with here. So i only managed 5 days that trip. Just enough time to check out the new apartment and sort out the finances once i agreed that it was a good buy. Lucy's father is great at sniffing out property deals and getting the asking price down to unbelievable levels.



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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2010, 07:38:39 pm »
One day short of being 7 weeks I receive my passport today.  So guys, if you are planning a trip and you have not applied for an American passport then you need to allow yourself enough time to get the passport.  The shortest time some have said was 3 weeks.  Don't count on it.  You had better plan on 7 weeks.  Once you receive it your are not done because you then have to apply for the Visa.  All indications look lie it may take 4 weeks.  My trip is 12 weeks away so I will be in good shape.  Keep in mind that it could possible take longer.

Needless to say I am excited and cannot wait to tell Peggy.


Offline mustfocus

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2010, 07:50:58 pm »
It takes you four weeks to get a chinese visa?  That sounds a bit long... Up here it takes me a week (give or take a day) and that's because I get my travel agent to process it.  If I were to do it myself, I think I could cut it down to 3 or 4 days (but I HATE driving into downtown Toronto)
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Offline Dwayne.Dibley

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2010, 08:02:32 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='26282' dateline='1261590180'

Had to renew my passport last year. I phoned the UK embassy here for an application form, and it arrived the following day. Duly filled it all in and posted it the same day along with my expired passport. I received my new passport in 5 days. I could have gone to the embassy in Nicosia and received it the same day, but wasn't in any hurry this time. Another reason, the Nicosia traffic is absolute Madness during the!! (Not as Bad as in China i hasten to!!)

From what i can make out, The American passport system is somewhat antiquated compared to most other western countries, especially Europe


Be aware that for your first passport it will take 6-7 weeks and you have to go for an interview to confirm your identity etc, britain is quite long winded and backwards, slow! to say the least.

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2010, 08:04:20 pm »
Shaun read the posts.When members post on your thread.Visa express can get it done for you in 24 hours if need be.Or 10 days and just about anything in between.They want like 30.00 on up to get your visa.It really depends on what time frame your looking at.And how much money your willing to spend.If you go this route.Use Fed ex to ship it to the visa company.And have them ship it back the same way.Last time I did this Fed ex charged me like 30.00.

If push comes to shove you can walk your passport threw the process at the nearest Chinese consulate.I don't remember what the consulate fees are.


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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2010, 11:13:14 pm »
Quote from: 'Dwayne.Dibley' pid='28096' dateline='1263344552'
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='26282' dateline='1261590180'
Had to renew my passport last year. I phoned the UK embassy here for an application form, and it arrived the following day. Duly filled it all in and posted it the same day along with my expired passport. I received my new passport in 5 days. I could have gone to the embassy in Nicosia and received it the same day, but wasn't in any hurry this time. Another reason, the Nicosia traffic is absolute Madness during the!! (Not as Bad as in China i hasten to!!)

From what i can make out, The American passport system is somewhat antiquated compared to most other western countries, especially Europe


Be aware that for your first passport it will take 6-7 weeks and you have to go for an interview to confirm your identity etc, britain is quite long winded and backwards, slow! to say the least.

This is my 3rd passport.  The second on expired but they used it for processing.

Maxx, I am planning to leave March 31st so I have time.  Thanks for the info.  I decided to not rush it this time and wind up with a round trip ticket of $4000.00.  Also the Chinese consulate said on the internet last night 4 weeks.  I do read what is posted on my threads and others.  I am not trying to do anything but passing along current information and experiences for those who are possibly thinking of going.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 11:32:43 am by shaun »


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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2010, 01:13:23 pm »

Depends where you live in the UK and when you apply for it!!  If you apply during the peek weeks, it could very well take 6 weeks...

So since when have you needed an interview??  I took my nephew to Petty France passport office in London to acquire his first Passport last March, as he wanted to return with me to Cyprus for a couple of weeks, ....No interview, or any hint of an Interview, (and a new passport in his hand walking out of the building). Just wanted to know why he didn't go the postal route.

You must be a shady looking character!! ....hahaha!!!


Offline Buzz

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2010, 02:18:07 pm »
 Also the Chinese consulate said on the internet last night 4 weeks.  I do read what is posted on my threads and others.  I am not trying to do anything but passing along current information and experiences for those who are possibly thinking of going.

Shaun, I used the China Visa Service Center from Houston Texas.  The biggest difference was that it took only a week.  I also got unlimited entrances for the same amout of money.  go to  very pleased with the sevice.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 02:31:46 pm by Vince G »

Offline Dwayne.Dibley

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2010, 06:40:47 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='28152' dateline='1263406403'


Depends where you live in the UK and when you apply for it!!  If you apply during the peek weeks, it could very well take 6 weeks...

So since when have you needed an interview??  I took my nephew to Petty France passport office in London to acquire his first Passport last March, as he wanted to return with me to Cyprus for a couple of weeks, ....No interview, or any hint of an Interview, (and a new passport in his hand walking out of the building). Just wanted to know why he didn't go the postal route.

You must be a shady looking character!! ....hahaha!!!


As per

Passport interviews are a new part of the application process if you are applying for a first adult passport. This means your application will take longer than in the past – you should allow six weeks. Interviews are held at offices around the country and each one takes around 30 minutes.

It has been that way for a few months now, luckily you missed it by a month (started at the end of april)

6 weeks is the standard time now, but dependant on the interview it can take anywher from 8 to 10 weeks.
You must be a shady looking character!! ....hahaha!!!


Paul Todd

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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2010, 09:40:26 pm »
To get your passport renewed at the UK embassy in Beijing takes 10 days and you have to produce your original birth certificate. I've got to do mine in a few weeks.
D. wayne are you an Alabama 3 fan? :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: From the Passport up.
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2010, 07:29:08 pm »

Wow!! First I've heard about that little bombshell!!
I guess this is all down to our friends from the Indian continent, There obviously doing what they have been doing in there own countries for years!! But we can't single them out for this interview crap, ...oh no!! that might upset them, so make the whole population go through this crap...

It's unreal what we put up with in the UK, seems as if we bend over backwards to please these immigrants these days. Even to the point of having these immigrants embarrass the UK by involvement in terrorist acts, and the news blurting out ''British Citizen'' .....Then they read out his or her name, ....then ALL becomes clear, there not British at all, ...but just another Pakistani/Bangladeshi etc, immigrant...with a British Passport!!!

Anyway Dwayne, perhaps your not such a shady character after all. ...haha!!

« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 07:30:28 pm by David5o »